Twitter Revolution - Plop Andrei/ PLOPANDREW | REVOLUTION


My name is Andrei Plop and I am from Moldova . I graduated from the Faculty of International Relations (ULIM) , I studied at  the Romanian - American University, the Faculty of Law. Also, I graduated from  the Faculty of International Relations a master student of the SNSPA,. I was nominated to take part in the parliament elections in 2009( RM). If i had to describe myself in three words, they would be passionate about learning, hard working and ambitious.


Training of elites at the most prestigious schools of the world together with the democratization and economic reforms in a state may lead to the creation of the basis for a viable state. Current realities require improvement of the methods, instruments, and strategies available for my country. They are necessary for facing challenges and risks and for establishing clear and precise lines of action in the following spheres: political-administrative, social, educational, research, culture, national security and public order in the foreign policy. In this situation, people need a support and this can only come from leaders of society, particularly political leaders. They need to exhale the force that protects the vulnerable people and enables people with initiative to press the accelerator for maximizing profits. Reforms are needed to completely change the social order and institutions. It is known that as the people get older, they become more conservative. In contrast a youth easily adapts to new trends or political projects.
  I am fully supporting and sharing ideas of democracy, freedom of thought and expression willing to devote my life and carrier to promote them around the world and particularly in my  country. Gaining multicultural experience from my previous projects was incredible. Immersion in foreign environments provided me an important source of inspiration, enthusiasm and new friends.  My dream is to live in a world with a multitude of cultures and languages; where people can live in freedom of thought and freedom of expression. I am really willing to make the sacrifices needed to make this change.  Sincerely, Andrei Plop

 International Parliamentary Internship Program, Warsaw (Poland)                     
07/2016–10/2016 One World Center (Denmark) EDUCATION AND TRAINING 
09/2007–08/2010 Faculty of History and International Relations Free International University of Moldova, Chisinau (ULIM) 

 10/2013–08/2015 Department of International Relations and European Integration, Conflict Analysis and Resolution National School of Political Science and Public Administration, Bucharest (Romania)     

 10/2012–08/2016 Faculty of Law Romanian-American University, Bucharest (Romania)     

▪ WSCFE: Encountering the Other - Community building and ecumenical leadership training in Central and Eastern Europe ( July 2013) ▪ 

JCI - Succes in Romania ( 2012-2013);A mentorship programme designed for students of Romanian origin, born abroad, who come to Romania to pursue their academic studies. ▪ 

Letter of Confirmation by Wolfgang Behrendt, Head of Delegation of the European Union to Moldova ▪ 

European Leadership Academy, AEGIS Consulting (Chisinau, Moldova, 2009- 2010);     

▪ Foundation for reforms in justice, security and defense (Chisinau, Moldova, 2009-2010). 
▪ Inter-university Student Conference at CID NATO, "Strategic Concept of NATO and its role in providing security in the Euro-Atlantic" ( Chisinau, Moldova - 2010) ;     

▪ International Taekwon-do Championship ALTAIR (Chisinau, Moldova) - 2nd place;
 ▪ National Taekwon-do Championship (Chisinau, Moldova) - 2nd place;
 ▪ National Taekwon-do Championship (Chisinau, Moldova) - 3rd place.

High School
Diploma for the best dancer (national dance, Latin dance)
Diploma for Best Actor
Diploma for active participation in extracurricular activities

Ministry of Administration and Interior

Romanian Immigration Office

Asylum and Integration Directorate

Regional Center for Accommodation and Procedures for Asylum Seekers in Bucharest

Personal Data Operator number 6052

File number 19208/2011                                                                    Bucharest, 09.01.2012


Number 1198900 / h / DO

there might be translation mistakes

Regarding the settlement in the ordinary procedure of the asylum application number 119800 / c / DD of 30.11.2001, addressed to the Romanian Immigration Office  - The Directorate for Asylum and Integration by Mr Plop Andrei, citizen of the Republic of Moldova, born on 28.09.1988, in the Republic of Moldova (proven identity), with the last residence declared in Bucharest, Vasile Stolnicul street, number 15, block 13, sector 2.
On December 28, 2011  the interview was conducted at the headquarters of the Romanian Immigration Office - Asylum and Integration Directorate - Regional Accommodation and Procedures Center for Asylum Seekers Bucharest, by Dana Oprea - an official appointed pursuant to Article 48 paragraph 2 of Act No. 122/2006 with subsequent amendments and completions - who interviewed the applicant after having been presented and explained the rights and obligations provided by the Romanian law. The applicant did not want to be assisted by a lawyer.  The applicant did not want to be assisted by an interpreter, the interview being conducted in the Romanian language. The interview was recorded in writing, being a final recitated to the applicant and confirmed by his signature.  There were no objections to the way the interview was conducted. Further details of the state of affairs refer to the content of the file.
The Romanian Immigration Office - the Asylum and Integration Directorate, by Dana Oprea - official designated pursuant to Article 48 (2) of Law No. 122/2006, with subsequent modifications and additions - analyzing the reasons invoked by the applicant in the documents in the file of the person concerned,  report on its country of origin status.

Rejects as unfounded the application for refugee status.
No subsidiary protection is granted.
It obliges the person concerned to comply with the provisions of Article 19 (j) of the Law No. 122/2006 on asylum in Romania, with subsequent amendments and completions.
Motivation of the judgment

Following the interview,  the examination of the asylum application and the documents in the file shall be as follows:
In fact
A. Establishing Identity
The applicant stated that he is called the Andrei Plop,  born on 28.09.1988 in the city of Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, citizen of the Republic of Moldova, identity with passport serial A number 2644954.
B. Result of the checks
Following the checks, it was found that Mr. Plop Andrei  (Proven identity) entered lawfully in Romania for the first time on 23.11.20011  addressed an asylum application to the Regional Accommodation and Procedures Center for Asylum Seekers in Bucharest, citing that he is a member of the European Action Movement Party and participated in the anti-communism protest from 07.04.2009.
On 05.12.2011 the questionnaire was filled in at the headquarters of the Regional Accommodation and Procedures Center for Asylum Solicitors Bucharest, the location of Tudor Gociu by Răzvan Brebeanu. The questionnaire was completed in writing, being finally recited, and the applicant confirmed by his signature.
C. Documents
The applicant submitted the following documents to the personal file in support of his statements: airline tickets, a newspaper article, a subpoena, response to petition issued by the Embassy of Romania in the Republic of Moldova C 5332 / 08.07.2009, a nomination for candidate for the position of deputy in the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, membership card of the Political Social Movement European Action,  the ordinance and the minutes of recognition as accused,  citation number 25-11-3M09-8481,  a DVD where three documentaries are saved, identity card series A number 2644954 issued by the Republic of Moldova on 03.10.2006, valid until 03.10.2016.
D. Summary of the applicant's declarations
On 30 November 2011, Mr. Andrei Plop applied for asylum, citing that he is a member of the European Action Movement Party and participated in the anti-communist protest from 07.04.2009.
On 28.12.2011 the interview was conducted at the headquarters of the Romanian Immigration Office  - Asylum and Integration Directorate - Regional Accommodation and Procedures Center for Asylum Seekers Bucharest, by Dana Oprea - an official appointed pursuant to Article 48 paragraph 2 of Act No. 122/2006, as subsequently amended and supplemented - who interviewed the applicant after having been presented and explained the rights and obligations provided by the Romanian law. The applicant did not want to be assisted by a lawyer. The applicant did not want to be assisted by an interpreter, the interview being
conducted in Romanian. The interview was recorded in writing,  being finally recitalized to the applicant and confirmed by his signature. There were no objections to the way the interview was conducted.
On the occasion of the interview, the applicant stated that he is called Andrew's Plop, born on 28.09.1988 in the city of Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, citizen of the Republic of Moldova.
He has a passport whose release personally presented himself, without problems from the authorities and with whom he spoke in Ukraine, Romania, Belarus, Poland, Russia. He does not suffer from any chronic disease. He did not perform the military service, although although it is mandatory for 18-year-old boys, he was a student, thus being exempt.
As far as the reasons for leaving the country of origin, said he first came to Romania in January or February 2009 at a conference of the Association of Cultural History organized by the Social Action Policy Movement.  He stayed for 5 days. On 28.09.2010 he left Moldova to Belarus,  he stayed for 4 days and then went to Poland. There he asked for asylum and stayed in a camp for a month and a half in the city of Biala Podlaska. In total he spent 9 months in Poland. He was the only one in the Republic of Moldova. He made a request to the director of the social  department explaining that he was blackmailed by Chechens and wanted the transfer to another city. He was given a reply stating that the department was not dealing with the relationship between asylum seekers.  Because it was delayed and was not answered in a shorter time, was not helped by the Polish authorities, decided to leave for Germany.  Then he went to Germany and asked for asylum there, stayed for about a month.  He was jailed, then returned to Poland. He was forced to stay in a closed center for two months, and he had to stay three more. He gave up the asylum application in Poland, stayed for another month, then returned through the International Organization for Migration,  in Belarus on 10.11.2011, because he could not return to the Republic of Moldova. The second time he came to Romania on 29.11.2011 in Belarus.  He did not stay in Belarus because there are communists there, and in his home country he is considered organizer of protests against the Communists.

Asked what problems he had in the Republic of Moldova, he replied that from 2005 to 2006 he was a sympathizer of the Christian Democratic People's Party.
From 2006 to 2008 he was vice-president of the New Generation Youth Organization of the Christian Democratic People's Party.
 In 2007 he ran for the position of local councilor in Pascani. On 23.11.2008 he became a member of the European Action Movement. He was elected president of the youth organization also in 2008. On April 5, 2009, he was nominated for the position of deputy in the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova by the Social Action-Political Action Movement. On 07.04.2009 there were protests that he attended, but he was not an organizer. There were about 30,000 students in the National Assembly Square, in front of the presidency. Fire on Communist banners, stoned to the cops. He found a police station. There were some filming, and he was caught with the station in his hand, having protesters around him, considering himself to be the organizer. He was blamed by both the ruling communist party and the opposition. On 03.03.2009  he had a press conference and officially declared that a group of members of the Christian Democratic People's Party will move to the European Action Movement. Anatol Matasaru is a very active character in protests against the police and he also participated in this protest, and the station he found gave it to him. After the protest in front of the presidency, some protesters took the flag of the Republic of Moldova and went to the Interior Ministry, it was a group of 10 people, including Anatol Matasaru. Then he went to the Government, and from there he went home, but there were other protests. In the evening he went to relatives in the northern part of the country. He left because he knew there would be arrests. At eight o'clock he left, and police arrived at 22:00. They presented themselves as colleagues, they were civilians. The problem was he never went home with colleagues from college and they had no way to know where I live. His parents told them he was not home,  After which the two policemen presented the police cards, they searched the house, told their parents that they wanted to help and call them when I return home. They called home, but the parents told them I was in Ukraine. To relatives, I spent about three months, from 07.04.2009 to June 2009, but no more than two weeks for each cousin.  Asked if he had any problems with the authorities during these three months, he said he was in a bus station and saw a policeman heading for him. Then he took out a Bible and asked him if he did not want to know the truth about Jesus Christ, and he annoyed him and told him to leave.
When he returned to the University in September 2009, the Dean told him that he had been searched for by the SIS police (Information and Security Service). They were interested in what group I am. There were many arrested that night and were beaten, even killed by three police officers in police stations. Students who participated in those protests made an organization, April 7, and they said about 700 people were arrested. He returned home in June 2009. Because of the deaths of those three people, the opposition made complaints and researches were made by commissions from the European Union, and the students who were imprisoned were released. In July 2009 he was summoned to the Prosecutor's Office he went with his lawyer. He was informed that he was charged with organizing protests, mass disorder. They were doing well with him because he was assisted by a lawyer, but also because many police officers were being investigated. They were brought to the evidence, a film, some statements.
 At the end of July were the anticipated elections. An alliance of European integration has formed, the Communists have lost their choices, have not obtained a majority. He continued his studies, he gave the arrears. On 04.05.2010 he was again summoned by the General Prosecutor's Office as a witness at the events of 07.04.2009. Then he was told that it would be good to make false statements against Anatol Matasaru and Anataol Peterencu - this being the presidency of the European Action Movement. He refused, told them everything he knew about the events. On 05.09.2010 a referendum was held - organized by the Integration Alliance for the European Union - in which the presidencies were chosen directly by the people. The Communists wanted to boycott the referendum, advised the world not to vote. The required number of participants has not been formed, so the retirement has not been achieved. Then he was again summoned by Sergiu Rosu - the prosecutor of the Criminal Investigation Section on Extraordinary Causes of the General Prosecutor's Office - around 15.09.2010 and he was told again that if he did not give those statements as they wanted, it was envisaged that drug trafficking files or other criminal acts would be made. He did not have a lawyer because he thought he was quoted as a witness. He told them he would not give  false testimony, and they threatened him again to make criminal files. Then he left home. On 28.09.1988 he left the country in Belarus and did not return to Moldova.
He does not know if there were other people called to make false statements against Anatol Matasaru and Anatol Petrencu. As for the reasons why he asked for Romania's protection, he said he feared persecution in the Republic of Moldova, he risked being jailed. When he went to Belarus, he bought a Moscow-Casablanca ticket with transit through London. The idea was to seek asylum in the UK. But the ticket was not released, because another person before him said the same story he wanted to say, that he is going to Casablanca to get married. He then went to the Embassy of Romania in Minsk and said he wanted to come to Romania from Saint Andrew (30.11.2011). He obtained a three-day tourist visa. Also, when he was returned from Poland, he was banned from entering the Shengen area for a period of 5 years and therefore chose Romania, he knew the Romanian language and was illegal in Belarus.
He is an atheist, is not part of an ethnic trib / clan / grp. He is a member of the European Action Movement since 2008, participated in the protest on 07.04.2009. The Christian Democratic People's Party collaborated with the Communists. The European Action Movement was a newly formed party and attracted many young people, and therefore chose to move from PPCD to the Euopean Action Movement. The latter has as a embelma a key. The party's emblem was 12 stars and wrote MAE the presidency was Anatol Pebtrencu, then Vaceslav Untila. In 2011 he was included in the Liberal Party, headed by Mihai Ghimpu. The European Action Movement is struggling to integrate into the European Union and join NATO, but also to eliminate Communists from power. He was president of the Youth Organization and vice-president of the main structure, the Criuleni branch and subordinated to Secretary General Mariana Taranu. Organizes meetings with members, propaganda, has subordinate territorial organizations.
He was never detained, arrested or convicted, never received an arrest warrant. He can not return to the Republic of Moldova because he will be arrested, he would have been caught by the country, so he can not move to another area to get rid of the problems.
If he obtains a form of protection in Romania, Mr. Plop Andrei wants to follow the courses of the Faculty of Law. Asked whether he has anything to say yet, he explained that he had written a petition to Traian Basescu, which he submitted to the Embassy of Romania from the Republic of Moldova, requesting asylum on 24.04.09. He received an answer on 30.07.2009, in which he was told that he must be in Romania to seek asylum. In 2010, he was recommended to obtain a visa to enter Romania, but because it took too long, he chose to leave for Belarus. No other reasons were raised in support of asylum applications. Regarding other details of the state of affairs, reference is made to the content of the file.
In law
In view of the legal situation of the facts presented by the applicant, the provisions of the Romanian Constitution and the provisions of Law 122/2006 on asylum in Romania, with subsequent amendments and completions, were taken into account.
Analyzing these provisions results from the provisions of Law No. 122/2006 on asylum in Romania, with subsequent amendments and completions to the status and regime of refugees signed by Romania, as well as in accordance with the general internal and international provisions on fundamental human rights.

1. The analysis of the asylum application in terms of its inclusion in the elements of the refugee status definition.

1.A. Analysis of the refugee definition element, "outside of the country of origin"
The applicant is a citizen of the Republic of Moldova and on 30.11.2011 personally applied for asylum in Romania.

1.B. Analysis of the elements "acts of persecution / agents of persecution / persecution"
"Persecution" means an action that is sufficiently serious in itself or by repeating the facts in order to expose the applicant to dangers likely to harm his or her life, bodily integrity or freedom or to obviously prevent him from living in his country of origin, and is based on one or more of the following reasons: race, nationality, religion, membership of a social group or public opinion, whether the reasons are real or attributed to the person concerned by the persecuting agent.
1.B.i. Analysis of acts of persecution
The reason for submitting a request by the applicant is that he would have been looking for the authorities, being considered one of the organizers of the protests of 07.04.2009.
1.B.ii. Analysis of the Persecution Agents
Taking into account Article 11 of the Government Decision No. 1251/2006 for the approval of the methodological norms for the application of the Law no. 122/2006 on asylum in Romania, the subsequent acquisitions and additions, it was noted that in the present case the applicant invoked state persecution agents, respectively the authorities of the Republic of Moldova.
1.B.iii. Analysis of the link between the invoked acts and one or more of the criteria set out in the refugee definition.
Asked during the interview, the applicant tried to present evidence that the persecution was caused by one of the limiting reasons listed in Article 23 paragraph (1) of the Law No. 122/2006, on asylum in Romania, with the subsequent amendments and completions, that is, politics.

He presented a lot of details about the political situation in the Republic of Moldova, the political parties and the demonstrations of 07.04.2009. He also exposed his situation in Poland as an asylum seeker, but these issues are of no importance in his case analysis, from the point of view of the asylum procedure in Romania.
Asked to explain what problems he had in the Republic of Moldova, the alleged acts of persecution would be due to the fact that he would be considered one of the organizers of the protests from 07.04.2009. But it has to be taken into account that these protests took place against the Communists, and now they are in opposition, the Alliance for European Integration, which is made up of: the Liberal Democratic Party, the Democratic Party and the Liberal Party - in which the European Action Movement was also included. Thus, the party he was part of, being even a very important member, is currently in power and seems unbelievable that he could persecute him because he participated in those demonstrations.
Thus, from the analysis of the statements made during the interview, it was not possible to establish, in the applicant's case, the link between the acts allegedly acts of persecution and one of the reasons for the persecution foreseen in the refugee definition.
1.C State protection / alternative to internal retreat
Regarding the level of protection of the authorities and the alternative of the internal retreat, the following information from the country of origin is mentioned;
In the context of impotmolating the truth about the April 2009 events, political analysts argue that it is important that the positions expressed by the heads of the Force Institutions be analyzed in the light of the political algorithm through which they came into office. As soon as the Alliance for European Integration was established, the General Prosecutor's Office came to the Democratic Party, the Interior Minister of the Liberal Democratic Party, and the head of the Information and Security Service was returned to the Liberal Party. "(Deutsche Welle - April 7, 2009 - a sabotaged and buried truth, April 15, 2011) [accessed June 1, 2011]
The fact that he had no problems with the authorities because he was hidden from his relatives seems to be untrue,
 in the context of the fact that he was a significant figure of political life in the republic of Moldova. Moreover, it is not plausible to declare that a Prosecutor within the General Prosecutor's Office has been threatened, because he is also appointed by the country's leadership, the leadership of the former Movement for European Action, the current Liberal Party, whose party important was the applicant.
These aspects lead us to appreciate that it is not necessary to detail the protection provided by Moldovan authorities to the one in question.

1.d. Analysis of the risk of future persecution (in case of return)
We appreciate that if the applicant returns to his home country, it is unlikely that there will be a risk of future persecution against him, as long as he did not face problems from the Moldovan authorities until his departure from the Republic of Moldova.
2. Analysis of the elements of well-founded fear of being persecuted or exposed to a serious risk / establishing the credibility of the solicited statements
As mentioned in the Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining the Refugee State - UNHCR, Geneva, 1992 - the definition of the refugee and thus the notion of "well-founded fear of being persecuted" implies the presence of a subjective element in the person requesting such status. For this reason, the determination of the refugee state will mainly consist , in assessing the solicited statements, and in judging the situation in his / her home country. Analyzing the "well-founded" phrase, it can be concluded that refugee status is not determined simply by the mere existence of a person's mood, but also by the objective situation on which he is based.
2.A regarding the subjective element
In analyzing the subjective element of "fear of persecution" it was taken into account that, according to the applicant's statements, his country of origin and the face of which the fear of persecution invoked is Moldova. Analyzing the fear of persecution invoked by the solicited person, from a subjective point of view, we appreciate that this is not founded, because it can not be reasonably established that his continued stay in his country of origin became intolerable for himself because of reasons invoked in the definition, or become intolerable for the same reasons, if they return there.
The applicant has alleged persecution on the part of the authorities in the Republic of Moldova, because he is considered the organizer of the protests that led to the removal of the Communists from the power and bringing the Alliance for European Integration, the alliance of the Liberal Party, the former movement of the European Action , whose youth organizations would have been led by Mr. Andrei Plop. Thus, the claims invoked by the applicant can not be regarded as plausible and credible.
Under these circumstances, we appreciate that from the subjective point of view the fear of persecution of the applicant is unintelligible, without a real foundation.
2.B. About the lens element
It is necessary to evaluate the statements made by the interviewee, which can not be evaluated in abstract, but must be analyzed in the context of concrete situations, with a knowledge of the conditions in the country of origin, the latter being an element important in assessing the credibility of the person concerned.Considering the information in the country of origin, the following occurred: Starting from the regional political and economic context, it can be said that 2010 was a relatively good one for the Republic of Moldova. The government, even under interim conditions, has managed to halt the decline and revive the country's economy. The most important success in 2010 is the re-dimensioning of relations with the
European Union. In January 2010, the process of negotiations on the new Association Agreement started and in March a strategic document "Rethink Moldova" was adopted, which sets the development priorities of the Republic of Moldova for 2011-2013, priorities to have solid financial support from the EU. At the meetings of the RE-EU Cooperation Council, the dialogue on the creation of a free trade area between Moldova and the EU and the liberalization of the visa regime were officially launched. Finally, special relations with the EU have opened new perspectives for Transnistrian settlement.
The governance of the Alliance for European Integration (AEI) has begun a series of reforms in line with the 2009-2013 Governance Program: "European Integration: Freedom, Democracy, Welfare". But the provisional government and the politicization of the public administration marked the concern of the AEI components for their own electoral interests, to the detriment of a consolidated government. As a result, a number of reforms announced in the governance program were suspended until the political stability after the early parliamentary elections was established. The most conclusive example in this respect is the field of justice, where a number of reforms have begun, with laws on: law reform, liberalization of the enforcement system, etc. However, the shortcomings set out in the Parliament's Declaration on the State of Justice in the Republic of Moldova [1] have not been removed at all.
2011 will probably be a very difficult year for Moldova. If in 2010 the AEI had passed the resistance test against the PCRM's retaliatory intention, then in 2011 it will have to pass the test of the loyalty of its own components to the commitments set forth in the AEI Reconstruction and Operation Agreement. The main challenges for the AEI will be related to addressing the issue of the election of the head of state. There is no doubt that safe procedures, in accordance with constitutional and legal provisions, can be identified regarding the finalization of the election of the head of state, leaving only the efforts of the AIE components to be coordinated.
It is noteworthy that in the situation of the vicious circle that has been created with regard to the election of the head of state there are no expressly set deadlines, which leave wide scope for maneuver to set favorable terms in order to successfully conclude the exercise.
The second major challenge for AEI is the local elections in early summer. There is a risk that, in particular, the fight for Chisinau City ,could dramatically undermine the AEI's cohesion.
That is why, in general, the introduction of political stability could only be discussed after the constitution of the majority in the district councils in July 2011. (Association for Participatory Democracy << ADEPT, Political Year 2010 [accessed 01 June 2011]
With regard to the youth organization of the European Action Movement, no specific information was found about it, nor was it an official website for research conducted in sources available on the Internet.
"Anatol Petrencu (born May 22, 1954 in Causeni, Republic of Moldova) Politician and scientist of the Republic of Moldova. In 1990-1992 he was Dean of the Faculty of History of the State University of Moldova, and between 1998 and 2006 he was president of the Association of Historians from the Republic of Moldova. Between 2006 and 2010 he was chairperson of the European Action Movement. Since October
2010 he is the director of the Institute of Social History "ProMemoria" Vice-President of the Liberal Party. " (Wikipedia) [accessed January 4, 2012]
"On the morning of January 29, 2009, Moldovan Prosecutors' Day, Anatol Matasaru was detained in front of the Prosecutor General's office in Chisinau, as he claimed a protest dressed in a pork suit and used an audio system to produce similar noises a pig. He protested because he would have been inappropriately treated by prosecutors as a result of a plunger. In Plus, he challenges two criminal investigations against him, which he considers based on evidence produced. "
"Anatol Matasaru was detained for five hours and accused of not properly informing the mayor, non-observance of police orders, opposition to arrest and insulting police and prosecutors.  He said he was hit by a police officer while in detention. "(Amnesty International) [Accessed January 4, 2012]

All of this leads to the conclusion that, objectively, the applicant's fear of persecution is unfounded, not having a real foundation.
2.C. Analysis of the cumulative fulfillment of the conditions for giving the presumption of good faith
His statements were not considered plausible as to whether he was persecuted by the authorities, given that the party whose very important member was, is currently in power. Must,  also took into account the fact that the one in question chose the first time to apply for asylum in Poland, although he would have had the opportunity to come directly to Romania. Moreover, because the procedure was prolonged, he went to Germany illegally. It was only when he realized that he could not get the protection of either country, especially because he had been forbidden to enter Shengen for a period of five years, then chose to come to Romania and ask for protection. In addition, it should be noted that the applicant knew about the possibility of such asylum in Romania as of 30.07.2009 when he submitted the petition to Traian Basescu at the Embassy of Romania, receiving the answer that he must be on the territory of Romania to lodge such a request. The applicant himself also explained that in 2010 he was recommended to obtain a visa to enter Romania, and yet he chose to go to Belaurs, then went to Poland and Germany.
In this regard, the UNHCR Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining the Refugee State under the 1951 Geneva Convention and the 1967 New York Protocol, paragraph 62, p. 17, distinguishes between the notion of migrant and refugee, respectively, "a migrant is a person who, for reasons other than those contained in the definition, voluntarily leaves the country with a view to establishing it elsewhere. He can move from the desire of change or adventure, for familiar reasons or for other personal reasons. "Therefore, a distinction must be made between these two categories of people because, unlike immigrants, refugees do not choose to leave their country of origin , but they are forced by certain circumstances to do so. The key difference between "refugees" and "migrants" is that they enjoy the protection of the state of origin, while the refugees do not.
There is no causal link between the arguments retained during the interview for which the applicant does not want to return to his home country and the purpose which led him to ask for the protection of the Romanian state, also taking into account the fact that he failed to make clear evidence of the elements of persecution.
In view of the above, we appreciate that the applicant does not apply the provisions of Article 15 of Law No. 122/2006, with subsequent amendments and completions, regarding the presumption of good faith.
From the analysis of the fundamental concept of fear based on persecution, in terms of the two elements that make up it, the subjective and objective element does not result in the existence of a real basis of fear of a probability of persecution within the meaning of the legal provisions on granting the state of refugee .
2.d. Conclusion
Taking into consideration the above mentioned, Mr. Plop Andrei's request does not meet the conditions stipulated in article 23 paragraph (1) of the Law No. 122/2006, as amended, and the subsequent completions, for granting refugee status.
3. Analysis of the asylum application from the point of view of the elements of the definition of subsidiary protection.
A notable difference between the refugee state and the subsidiary protection is that the latter is granted for cases that do not qualify for the granting of refugee status and where there is a risk of life injuries, and the risk of torture, inhuman or degrading treatment on grounds other than those provided for in Article 23 of Law No. 122/2006, with subsequent modifications and completions: race, religion, nationalism, membership in a particular social group or political opinion. That is clearly apparent from the wording of Article 26 (1)
3.A. Analysis of the serious risk of sentencing to death or executing such a punishment
With regard to the provisions of Article 26 (2) (1) of the applicant's statements, he does not appear to be in danger of being convicted of the death penalty or the execution of such a penalty, because, although he has asked, he did not refer to it.
3.B Analysis of the serious risk of torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
The lack of credibility of the claimant's statements on general issues determines that there is no serious risk of being subjected to torture, inhuman or degrading treatment if returned to the country of origin.
With regard to paragraph 2, the applicant has not provided any circumstantial evidence that there is a serious and present risk of being subjected to torture, inhuman or degrading treatment if he returns to his / her country of origin.

3.C. Analyzing the serious risk of serious threats, individual, to life or integrity, as a result of generalized violence in situations of domestic or international armed conflict, if the applicant is part of the civilian population.
At the same time, it is remembered that the state of Moldova is not involved in an internal or international armed conflict in order to analyze whether the applicant risks a serious, individual threat to his life of integrity when he returns to his country of origin.
Internal armed conflict  is defined in the literature as a form of violence within a state, which has held a certain degree of intent and a certain balance between the armed forces of the legal and rebel governments, and which presuppose the existence of an organized civil authority.
3.D. Conclusion
Taking into consideration the above mentioned, Mr. Plop Andrei's request does not meet the conditions stipulated in article 26 of the Law no. 122/2006, with the subsequent amendments and completions, for the granting of the sibidous protection.
The attached information on remedies is an integral part of this judgment.
Dana Oprea

Am I a revolutionary? - the first chapter!  

 In the media, I was criticized by the opposition and the Communist Party. Each party had made a documentary film about the April 6-7 events and in each film I appeared!
On the evening of April 7, I had done my luggage and went to a friend. I told my close friends,  If someone will ask you, answer them that I am in Ukraine, that I am in the hospital, that I was arrested, etc. Having as purpose misinforming secret services while I was in a "forced journey" through Moldova. I was not in a place for more than a week.

When you're not in search by the police, you almost do not see the cops! But when you know that Voronin's police are looking for you! You see the cops from very big distance and your heart begins to beat you very quickly

There are also video films appearing in the media, In which each television came with a conspiracy theories And in this movie I also appeared! When I was traveling through Moldova, I tried to seem as discreet, calm and smiling, I was making jokes, but I was taken by surprise when a policeman came from a building and looked directly at me and he remembered he saw me somewhere But he can not remember exactly where he saw me! And he start went to me, there were only a few seconds in which I had to act! If I started running that moment, he realized I was the that  guy and obviously he will try to catch me!
He seeing me and he is heading for me, and I started toward him. I had a Rucksack(red)  while I was walking towards the cop's direction with a hand I opened the bag and took out a Bible And I first ask the cop: if he does not want to get closer to Jesus?
He had a very aggressive reaction! He yelled at me and sent me in an intimate place! I was forced to practice all my artistic abilities and after I got away from this situation, I was glad I practiced acting and dances (sports and folk).

During that time, I was trying to cross the border in Romania, but at that time all the border guards were in the maximum alert and it was impossible to pass. Three youngsters (officially) died in those protests, but the special services were organized as that they committed suicide (although the whole body was hunted). In the evening of April 7 arrests began, People who have managed to flee, they escaped, Who have failed, Were beaten in police commissariats!

Is also called the ,,corridor of death”, on one side and on the other were cops with sticks in hand, and the people who were arrested and jailed in the commissariats had to go through this corridor and the policemen with sticks hit them from the left and the right so the protestors would only go ahead

It is a feature of the Communist regime to make arrests at night, I liked history, and the theme of my license was "the policy of repression in the USSR!" I was never a good student, I always leave the essays on the last day, but I always wanted to collect information from time and made notes for my work!

The bachelor's work is  a scientific work, which I was able to write, and I wrote, but the information that seemed to me the most interesting I kept in my brain! After two months when the situation calmed down I returned home, I found out that the secret services were at home and they were looking for me! When I returned to university, the dean of the faculty, Ludmila Coa, and the secretary of the faculty told me that the security services were looking for me. The Science Coordinator said that when he was discussing in the licensing committee, Professor Pavle Parasca with his humorous style said: he probably does the practice now and he understands better now what communist repression means!

The Prosecutor's Office opened a criminal case because of the April 6-7 events! I understood the methods of functioning of the communist regime, but I did not understand the procedure in the case of a criminal case and how to defend yourself!

The lawyer warned me that now the prosecutor will will ask me a few questions! When you have to answer no, I'll hit you under the table!

I was hit very often by the lawyer! Then I decided that I would still do a law school but outside the country
Then I learned that it is better to prevent some things, and what I have done so far has been to avoid some things to fall! The role of a legal adviser within a company is the greatest value to avoid coming to court!

 What is most important to us: The stones, the glass from which the parliament is built Or our freedom. Surely in any state these buildings are national symbols.

But we wanted to attract the attention of the international community, That here is a new generation And this could only be done through challenges. We were a small group of naives, romantics young people But keen to change in Moldova! Our advantage was that most of the secret service attention was given to opposition leaders. We knew that the elections in 2009 will be different from the previous ones, given that, after eight years of Moldova's leadership by Vladimir Voronin (perhaps modified), the Moldovan youth did not want the Communist Party to lead us for another 4 years!
I was only 20 years old and if I could say I had 4 years of political experience!
I first participated in a political event when I was 16 and was in high school! The party that made the presentation was then very popular among Moldovan youth and organized the most anti-communist protests!
I started to participate in the events organized by this party. At the age of 18 I obtained my membership card (according to the Moldovan legislation you can become a party member only at the age of 18)

In 2006 When I received my membership card, I had my eye hunted after a beating. When my membership card was handed to me, the president of the district branch (with a very wide smile) tells the party's president that he was fighting with the Communists! (We all laughed)

In 2007 I was a candidate for local councilor, and in 2008 I decided to go to another party! In 2009 on April 5 I was a candidate for the position of deputy in the Parliament of Moldova on the list of the party
It was an electoral campaign with many challenges, but for the age of 20 I was very smart, but I was lacking experience!

I activate in the party and within the group of activists! We had a pretty strange method to meet, one day, It was set an hour, In which everyone listens to the radio, An activist of the group, He had to call the radio and congratulate a person, anonymous, Whom he congratulates with birthday And invite her friends to birthday in a location!

I know that it seems unbelievable that some young people make a change, I would say it is impossible, because some people with more influence can not change in a country, why could they do some young people, especially when we talk about Communist regime!When I remember those events I find it funny but I must admit that we were very afraid because our life was in danger! The discussions we have had will never come out, it was an understanding that we had and we still respect!
Because they are effective methods of destroying a dictatorial regime and their publication would only make dictatorial regimes take countermeasures against all the challenges!
April 5, 2009 I spent it with members of the party, because it was the day of parliamentary elections and I was the youth president of a district branch! I was responsible for the observers and the representatives of the voting sections of the branch!

It was a new party and the electoral campaign usually starts when the last one is over! The slogan of the electoral campaign was Moldova without corruption, a good slogan but in a country like Moldavia where doctors, teachers are forced to receive the bribe, just for the simple reason they have to survive, they do not vote for a party with such a slogan , For the simple reason that she thinks it's gonna come and they're arresting us all while we're talking about high-level corruption!

In the autumn of 2009 I began to give up arrears at the university,
After the Communist regime changed with a new leadership, called the Alliance for European Integration, it seemed to me that everything was calmed down!

I was in the last year of college, I was more concerned with studies! I participated in all possible conferences organized by the EU, the OSCE, NATO, and I started studying German as well (for the simple reason that most of them studied English and German was spoken by very few people).

The situation was different now because if you criticized the new leadership of the government you were immediately declared communist, although the new leadership received support in the international community they were only mimicking the reforms!

The people who worked in force during the communist government continued to work and some of them were advanced! Seeing the new leadership took over the communist practices, we, youth people, we decided to make a party!

But most of the population hated parties
 So we decided to make each person an NGO, to attract as many young people and then to attract them to the party! I tried to open two organizations.

A national NGO, ROOseveltMD and a branch of an international organization (Lions Club)! It was a brilliant idea but thats time, I was no longer an anonymous person, I was in the security spotlight!

We can not meet again no matter how much we try! We also had problems with obtaining financial resources, being ourselves students with limited budgets. I finish Faculty of International Relation, and I participated in an international field! In September 2010 there was a referendum in Moldova, where citizens were invited to answer if they want the country's president to be elected by direct vote and not by parliament! .

No required number of votes has been accumulated as the referendum has been validated! After this referendum, I was called from the General Prosecutor's Office as a witness on the events of 6-7 April 2009! This time I did not get a quote! I was warned that if I did not make false statements about Anatol Matasaru (an activist stood out as protesting with a pig dressed as a prosecutor) and Anatol Petrencu (the leader of the party I was part of).

On April 7, I took the flag together with other young people (4-5 meters and we had to take it to 3 people) we went to the Administration and Interior Ministry and protested, and later we went With this flag in front of the government! The protest was divided into two parts: one in government (peaceful protest) and the other at the presidency and parliament (aggressive protest)!

We loved what was happening at the presidency and parliament, for one day, we young people felt like the communists are afraid of us!

 I was warned that if I did not make these false statements, they would make me a criminal case, the prosecutor told me in a joke (a joke I could not laugh) what criminal case do you want? One of rape or one of drug trafficking!

I said to the prosecutor that I will make false statements but only if the prosecutor makes a quotation and if it is possible for me to come after my birthday 28.09 1988. I knew if I said no, they would start the trial right away, so at least I had time to act. If I went public and said the current government was trying to make a file, they declared me a psychic, paranoid, etc! In my Licence Work I understood the following fact: there were 3 types of getting rid of a person !!

1) making a criminal case!
2) referral to psychiatry!
3) Liquidating the person!

It was working according to the person and his / her status! One thing was common to all these facts - the discrediting! The person in charge of the regime was supposed to Discredited in front of the public community, in front of the family! If I refused, I had to choose one of those situations that should happen to me and the other side I had to destroy the lives of two innocent people! I am not the only case in which prosecutors have pressed, there are other cases! It is known that in the USSR there is the following quote: Let man be, as a criminal case we do!

September 28, 2010 I invited my friends to birthday. He was in a place next to Railway Station, and I had the luggage prepared with me! They were my closest friends, they had no idea what I was going to do, not even my mother and sister knew the true reason for which I was leaving!

To the question of where I go and why I have the luggage prepared: I say that I go to study in Belarus at the Faculty of Theology! My friends seemed very strange to me, but I explained to them that in August I was in a religious camp. In which young people from many countries participated. It was Organized by fridensgrund!

September 28th is the last day when I was in Moldova! On the train I met some girls from Belarus who were celebrating the last day of the trip to Moldova! Once I crossed the Belarusian border I called Alexandru, I met him at the Friedensgrund camp in Moldova

He was then a student of theology and I said that in 3 hours I will be in Minsk, please meet me! I met the whole team of the Belarusian who participated in that camp in Moldova! For four days I was in Belarus, I tried to open a visa at the German embassy, but the embassy gave me a negative answer.

second part - Am I the new Nelson Mandela?    

According to the legislation in force in Belarus you can not stay for more than three days in Belarus without registration, in the 4th day I bought a ticket to Minsk - Warsaw coach,
 Without a Polish visa! It was October 4, 2010! When I got to the border of Belarus, I put myself somewhere in the middle.
The border police check my registry document and say:
The policeman - You stayed for a long time in Belarus and you exceeded the legal term of 3 days, where will your registration be?

I knew about this fact that I had to register, but I decided to lie because in this game was my life and there was too much risk to tell the truth for two reasons:

1) in order not to be sent to Moldova

2) being considered one of the organizers of the twitter revolution in Moldova, there is a risk that my Belarusian friends who helped me, it is possible for them to have problems with Alexandru Lukasenko's regime, which is known in Europe as a dictatorial regime and any form of protest is harsh grounded.

My answer was:
I did not know about these 3 days and about registration, all these 4 days I stayed in a student hostel of BGU (Belarassian State University) and I signed a collaboration agreement at the level of student senate between the International Free University From Moldova and Belarassian State University, if you want I can show you the contract that I signed (contract I did not have)

The policeman - No, you do not have to show me.

After which he looks into my passport

The policeman - you do not even have a Polish visa, how are you going to cross the border?

Andrei Plop -  I have an International Student Book, ISIC, You want to see? (It was a bank card with my back picture released by Moldova Agroindbanc and it was opened when I applied for the Work and Travel program).

The policeman - Yes!

He was looking at this bank card, after his reaction was something new to him!

The policeman - Is this card expired?
Andrei Plop -  here is not the month and the year, here is the day and date! In Moldova we have to return the card when we graduate to obtain the diploma!

The policeman - what is your purpose in Poland?

Andrei Plop- I was invited to attend an international conference at the University of Varsszszs ... (I did not know Polish and it was very difficult to read)

The policeman - Warszawski

Andrei Plop - Yes, Warszawski and my presentation is called "Moldova's Prospects for Integration into the European Union! (To which I also present a confirmation letter that I participated in a course organized by the EU and was signed by Wolfgand Behrendt

The policeman - but where is your invitation?

Andrei Plop - we are in the 21st century and all the invitations are sent by e-mail!

The policeman looks at the passport, looks at the card, looks at the confirmation letter, looks at me!

Andrei Plop. - If you do not believe me, can you call the university?
With the expression of an intelligent and superior man The policeman replies:

- It's two o'clock at night, who will answer me now ?!
After which he puts my stamp in my passport and I go on as if that should be the case! (I was thinking then that it was a good thing I did acting and dancing at school)

At the border of Poland I asked for political asylum, here could not go like this in Belarus! They took me to a room and after a break of 10-15 minutes a policeman came and started to ask me questions, then he leave, after 5 minutes comes another and ask me all questions, go and come back both and again questions!

After checking out the carnet That I was a candidate for the post of deputy in the Moldovan Parliament

  I also received an answer from  The Embassy of Poland in Chisinau ant they confirms that you were a candidate for the position of deputy in the Moldovan Parliament and that you have been active in the Politics!

I was taken to Terespol, it was a train station! It was at 5-6 am and I had an interview again, but this time it was with a lady and I explained the reasons for asking for asylum and how I crossed the border! They were more interested in me than I crossed the border of Belarus, because there were cases when citizens with dual citizenship of Moldova and Romania (the EU member state could not cross the border of Belarus and I crossed the border with a bank card!

After I gave the little interview I was taken to the room and once more the Polish customs came along with the lady who took the interview (I heard their roar in the corridor) went into the room and asked the lady: that's him ? That's him!

Perhaps throughout her career they have encountered all sorts of situations but one like this was the first time! Some of them expected to have at least 1.80 meters, and others were fascinated, as one like this could break the entire Belarusian customs! The first thing I saw when I got to the asylum center was the fact that most asylum seekers were from caucasus!

I was invited to give an interview in details about why I ask for political asylum! I was surprised by the questions that they ask me. On the one part, it seemed to me that they did not know reality in Moldova, and on the other part, most states in the EU declared Moldova as a successful country. Those that I declared during the interview in 2010 proved to be 90% later.

I do not want to go into detail, but one thing that they smiled at me then was when I told them that the more they manage Moldova, the less the population's interest towards the EU will drop! During my stay in a refugee center, I learned more about culture and traditions of caucasus! The pleasant surprise was the Georgians! We were very open to each other and created a friendship between us, we are sharing experience with each other! We heard all kinds of interesting stories!

A real case of a refugee that I probably will never forget! During that time, when Georgian leadership was Mihail Saakashvili, all EU leaders knew who Sakashvili was, and who said that human rights were not respected in GEORGIA and that Sakashvili is a dictator had no chance of obtaining refugee status so some Refugees have had to adapt!

Many have started to say they are of different sexual origin, for a very short period of time they started to receive documents, but after they got it, those who said they were of another sexual orientation, They were marrying! The majority who came from Georgia were trained by friends what he has to say at the interview.

So they started to interview them if they are sexually different or not! A Georgian not prepared for the new tactics of the Dutch,

He was a judo fighter And he used sport-specific techniques that he broke a few ribs on the Dutchman! The Georgian was deported to Georgia but the one who told me that history: He tells me that he did not do the right thing! I was thinking too much! But he continued: He could not say I did not change my partner!

Though you probably read this text, it sounds like it's miserable. ! That situation can only be understood by another refugee! Because when you ask for protection you are put in a position to lie, the authorities are imposing you on your mind! Because otherwise you are still in a situation of being deported, and some of the people have sold their house, the car to pay for travel to the EU!

You have to bring a lot of evidence and there are also relations between states, when some states do not want to break their relations between states because of a refugee! State interests dominate human rights! In my case, I had a lot of evidence, both video, pictures and quotes from the prosecutor's office! But according to their logic you have not suffered enough! You had to sit for about 3-4 years to be destroyed in prison, to get sick of all the diseases and then to come and ask for asylum!

Then what is the role of asylum since you are already a broken person! I stayed in a room with a Cuban citizen and he looks like Jazzy! We had something in common! We both hated communist regimes! I heard all sorts of Castro stories that seemed awful! We have problems with part of the Caucasus (Muslim) population. Biala Podlaska was a temporary center for asylum seekers, and friends I knew were assigned to other centers! We are left in this city! We asked for help from the authorities but they replied that they were not responsible for the relations between the refugees! I've been working with taekwon-do and I know how to fight, but I'm not a warrior alone on the battlefield!

Cuban, Mauricio Gonzalez was attacked one evening in a club by people who should protect him! Being forced to defend he used the knife! He seriously injured two people!

 After this case I decided to go to Germany, although according to the law I was forbidden to leave Poland until a final answer is given to me! Once in Germany, I went to a police station and asked for asylum!

I was in the city of Pasewalk a German city on the border with Poland! I was handed over to the border police! I have tried all the time to prove that I have activated in politics, but they have not even tried to give a search on the net to see who I am!

I did not sleep for two days because I was on my way! I did not take a direct route, I took several buses from Biala Podlaska (a city near the border with Belarus) and Pasewalk! And the third day when I tried to sleep, they came from time to time and they were checking the room, if I was asleep, they were pulling the door so hard that I woke up! I was taken to judgment the next day! I could not even say two words that I was very tired! And when the process is over, I woke up, I was clutching my hands! It was the first time I got kicked! It was a terrible feeling! I could not believe it

When I was in Poland and talked to other refugees about what to do if you went to Germany and how to act, I could not believe it! I told them not to lie anymore! Now I was in a different situation, I was listening to what the refugees said! When the Germans handed me over to the Poles they apologized, they did a search on the net and they saw who I was! What I thank him enormously! (F*ck You!)

I still had a lawsuit when I arrived in Poland in Sceczin! This time I had decided to appear to me regardless of the situation, and after answering questions for an hour, the judge told the clerk to remove everything and write that the refugee had nothing to stand for two months in jail! When we arrived at a Krosno Odrzanski closed-type refugee center, the other refugees knew that we would come, a few days ago!

Although we were still in prison in Germany! After two months they  give me another three months to stay in prison! The situation in this field was the following: they did not have the right to keep you for more than a year, but when you stayed for two or three days to be released, they woke you up at night and deported you! For three years only two people were released! I wrote a request for those from the international migration organization to be deported to Belarus, because in Moldova I could not go back! My request was accepted!

I arrived in Belarus with very little money in my pocket, I was very happy to be free and on the other hand I did not know what to do. I knew only one thing that I can not go back to Moldova. I decided to try again and ask for asylum in another country! From the money I had, I bought a Moscow-Casablanca ticket (with a stopover in London) the idea was that once I arrived in London to seek political asylum.

In Belarus I was staying without registration. Between Russia and Belarus there is no border control, it is kind of shengen to them! I bought a coach ticket and crossed the border smoothly! I spent only two days in Moscow, one of which night I slept in an internet cafe and the other at the airport. I also had a history that if they ask me what is my purpose in Morocco, I will answer that I'm going to marry a Moroccan girl whom I met in Poland!

I had spoken to my sister about the situation and asked her to buy an Estonian phone number from Sim Travel, which works everywhere and sells in moldova! And her role was that if someone called her from Russia she had to appear in English as my future wife! (Because the employees were English speakers)

I was the second in a row, in front of me was a blonde Russian woman with a very long red and yellow dress! The story I had prepared, and that girl had the same script, the same story! Exactly the same answers as I am! I was not ready for such a scenario! I did not have a B plan! I realized that they already know it all and if I call the next phone to my wife one question in Arabic and everything comes to the surface! Because my sister does not speak Arabic!
I was very tired after my experience in Germany and Poland, and now I was in a difficult situation too. The question that I asked myself! How the hell they found out! The only thing I was thinking was that they could have listened to my sister's phone! I tried to open a visa at the Romanian Embassy in Minsk. When I presented myself at the embassy I was taken to ambassador questions!
 He saw that I did not have a Polish visa but there was one entry stamp and another one stamped out, he asked me:
Ambassador - what did you get into Poland!
Andrei Plop - I was a volunteer in charity and I had an invitation from the Vatican, so I did not need a visa, and when I left Poland I left the document at the Warsaw airport!
Ambassador - why do not you open a visa in Chisinau?
Andrei Plop - I'm here in Minsk to a friend of Belarus at a wedding, and the wedding will be this Saturday, and next week is the holy of Andrew in Romania, and I was a very religious person and I decided to visit the church of Andrew the holy Romanian! And if I try to open in Moldova I just do not succeed.
I had made an online hotel reservation in Romania. The Ambassador checked and he gave me the Romanian visa!
Now there was another problem for me how to leave Belarus lawfully considering that I have no registration!If I crossed the Belarusian border with Ukraine, I did not have that registration and I was most likely to be asked, why did you spend so long in Belarus?
What was the purpose?
Who did you stand for?
And if they could see the Polish stamp in my passport, I woke up with criminal case like a spy in favor of Poland!
The relationship between Poland and Belarus is not one of the best! Then came the idea to leave Belarus through Russia because there was no border control, and in Moscow I buy a ticket to Kiev! I arrived at Russia's border with Ukraine. Russians asked me to show them  registration, but I said that only today I arrived in Russia and that I can stay 3 days in Russia without registration, I also had the ticket bought Minsk-Moscow.

They asked for Belarusian registration, but I told them that the registration remained in Belarus! I did not think you needed her! From Ukraine I arrived in Romania! And in Bucharest I asked for asylum! I was already accustomed to the reaction of Poland and Germany to the democratic path of Moldova, although the situation has become clearer! I was expecting the same reaction from the Romanian authorities too!

I have deposited the documents for Romanian citizenship (it is a possibility that Moldovan citizens who had grandparents or parents and who were born between 1918 and 1940 when Romania was part of Romania could obtain Romanian citizenship). I filed the papers for law school!

When I was admitted to the Romanian-American University in 2012, I was still an asylum seeker! Later I got Romanian citizenship! In 2013 I was admitted to the Master of International Relations, Analysis and Conflict Resolution! Also in the summer of 2013 I was in Cyprus and I worked in a nightclub as a security student to pay for university studies!

I have become quite a good analyst not only on the ex-Soviet space but also on the European Union! I started learning Polish at the Polish Cultural Institute in Bucharest!

  While I was an asylum seeker, I filed a criminal complaint against a girl with the Oprea family, having a relationship with a former Minister of Defense and a former Minister of Administration and Interior! But I quickly understood how things are, so I quit this request very quickly .   

third part - Discreditation

The Russian embassys in Moldova has more than a thousand employees, more employees than the presidency of the Republic of Moldova, although in the recent scandal between USA and Russia the number of diplomats in both Russia and USA reached 750. The US population has 300 million Of citizens, the population of Russia reaches 140 million citizens, the population of the republic of Moldova has 3.5 million citizens! The logical question is: why are they attached to many Russian diplomats in Moldova? On the one hand, we have the Russian military base in Transnistria, the 14th army, and the second is that Moldova has the common border with Romania and speaks the same language!
During the Cold War, when Romania Socialist was a member of the Warsaw Treaty Organization, the Soviets obtained the most information from their Romanian partners. The public statement of the Ceausescu when the Soviets entered the Czechoslovakia with tanks did nothing else but to increase the sympathy of Western states over Romania! With the disappearance of the Warsaw Treaty Organization, Russia's interest towards Romania has not fallen, and since its membership in NATO, interest in Romania has increased.

While I was studying in Romania for two years, the Americans did not have an ambassador in Romania, and the US military base at Deveselu (Romania) is totally supervised by Americans, the Romanians having no access to American technology! A state like the US has no right to say no ambassadors prepared for Romania, it was a diplomatic gesture open to Romania.

In all official statements, both Romania and the US declare each other they are strong allies. One of the most effective methods of recruiting Romanian diplomats by the FSB branch of Moldova (SIS – Moldavian Security) is the girls! One case is that of Ambassador Ion Nuica, when he was posted on the Internet when he was in a relationship with a Moldavian girls. Although these cases are not publicly used or publicly posted, they are used as blackmail tools.

  Let's say that a diplomat was filmed with a Moldovan woman having sex with a foreign diplomat, In the immediate aftermath, he becomes aware of this fact, in return for protecting the secret of this filming, the diplomat will have to fulfill some favors, will be offered money and prospects for career growth in his home country, for he Is not the only case in this situation, such people who spent the nights with the beautiful Moldovan girls are very many!

It is enough to watch the press statements of the Russians and their affiliates in Romania and Moldova will come up with reactions! The next question that needs to be put. he's an affiliated person or a useful idiot! Another case of discrediting is that of former Prime Minister Vlad Filat. First, a pro-Russian politician from Moldova, Renato Usatii comes with documents in which he reveals methods of money laundering, maybe stupidly or because he is inexperienced in the press conference that he has obtained this information from Romania !, Probably from affiliated people who now have to make favors!

The grace was given to the former prime minister when a video was published on the net when he had sex with the mistress! Thus destroying the family, and then closed for tax evasion! It is a classic KGB method, although some cases use tools such as rape. In the ex-Soviet space, if you go to prison for rape, you become the doll in prison for the detainees!

The question is for the Romanian Intelligence Service if they analyzed these leaks! Maybe they will still do an internal investigation! . Such filming is public only when the politician no longer has any value or becomes a public danger to other agents! The same method was used by Vladimir Putin against a prosecutor when he investigates the affairs of the Eltin family! That prosecutor has become a danger and appeared at the right time video material as he had sex with two Russians! When you start working in politics in the ex-Soviet space, you have to dedicate yourself to the family! , And if you are not ready for For this you either do not work in politics or do not make your family! When I started to work in politics within the opposition, being also an anticommunist, I started carefully to choose my girlfriends! I never slept from the first day of my acquaintance, I invite a few times in a place, I would also make some selfies for any eventuality with that person so as not to be blamed for rape! Better masturbate than to go in jail! At the end of 2013, the beginning of 2014 in Ukraine began protests against Yanukovych's regime! I will not go into the details why they started! But in January following a debate with other 40 people on the events in Ukraine, I made the analysis that the Russians will most likely start the force against Ukraine after the winter games, and if I were instead of the Russians I would get the Crimea (Where there is a military base)

This course was supported by the then President of Romania's security adviser on security matters! It was about getting kicked out of the master program! The worst seems to me that I was right, because after the Russians took the Crimea I started to have very big problems that reminded me of the Voronin regime! I was lucky to have been selected for an internship in the Polish Parliament in the National Defense Commission!

For three months I felt very good in Warsaw, now I was no refuge, I was a intern in parliament! It was the most wonderful program I attended! And most of the trainees had 2 higher education and they spoke at least 3 foreign languages! I also had a very good friendship relationship with the interns from Germany!

I had as a mentor a deputy from the parliament of Poland who was a member of solidarity, she is also called the general lady in the skirt! Being one of the people who had a special role to play as a member of NATO! Towards the end of the internship I met with a fairly inerrant situation, I met an Armenian girl two times on the same day in Warsaw, and after a few days I met her again at the church. Later I learned that she was admitted to an internship at the Armenian Embassy in Warsaw!

When I was in Poland I was admitted to an internship at the Romanian Ministry of Defense, but when I arrived in Romania, They told to methat I was no longer accepted! The logic was that I would come to Romania and that the Poles would not offer me a job and stay forever in Poland! I have to admit it was a pretty good plan! Once I came back from Poland, I started to work on the master's role Mass-Media in reflecting geopolitical conflicts!

Studying the role of Mass Media in the Russian Federation! It was rather an introduction how to revolutionize the Russian Federation in 2018 in the presidential election as well as an analysis of a conflict in Ukraine! Again, my discrediting started using abusive, aggressive techniques! It was very difficult to initially say the classic story of making a rape and a drug case!

First of all, I was not a public person, I was not known to anyone, I was very careful in choosing my girlfriend! I was so careful that they all started to blame me for being GAY! In both Romania and Moldova the majority of the population is of Orthodox Christian religion, if you say GAY you have no chance to work in politics, you are a political corpse, and in gay parades in Moldova, people with different sexual orientation are met With punches and stones! . Even with drugs I could not blame, because I did not even smoke, and I spent all my life in sports for six years I started Judo (one year), later football, sports and popular dances and the last practiced sport is taekwon-do!

It seemed to me strangely the calm position of the Russians throughout the protest of the maidan, in the presidential elections between Yushchenko and Yanukovych, the Russians were very active, but they understood that no matter what no one will do or will say no Will take their actions seriously, and then they have changed strategy! Ukrainian oligarchs and the state department will finance the protests and we will reap the fruits.

It's enough to look at the map to understand what Russia's foreign policy is and if you still have a search on the net and see that they have the military base in the Crimea everything becomes very clear! Very few analysts have been able to predict this event, and I, a poor student who has only knowledge and nothing else, had the nerve to do this analysis and give a handful to all the secret services in Romania and they are 6 in number!

The number of employees in secret service in Romania exceeds the number of employees of Germany and of France in one place!
Analyzes of the conflict in Ukraine, Russia's policy of making them permanent, without gaining any cent! Until they started to register and publish my analyzes on the net! The problem is that Russians have access to the net, and if you publish that analysis on the net, it is obvious that the Russians will take countermeasures and develop another strategy! Since then I have stopped doing such analyzes!

But my question is why they do it and do not use it. Some people try to use me in their political games, and in this game many very prosperous Moldovans who have been active during the Soviet Union KGB and GRU, the most obvious case is a former Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova Who worked in GRU and who likes "elephants".

Those who are analyzing the ex-Soviet space and especially Russia are aware of the fact (perhaps also because of the profession that its president had once become a security services , remain a security services for the rest of his life. This diabolical game has come in and the Russians affiliates in Romania!

In a Europe of multiculturalism, where human rights are respected especially in the founding countries of the EU, to my surprise in 2015, I was invited to a human rights conference in Slovakia by an organization based in Brussels. The aim of the organization was to promote multiculturalism and defend human rights regardless of their ethnic origin or sexual orientation. When I found out that I was invited to this conference, you covered from Romania and Moldova started blaming me for being a Nazi, and especially hating Gypsies and Jews. If you go to any market in Romania you will find gypsies selling smuggling cigarettes from Moldova.

The smuggling of cigarettes is tolerated by both Romanian and Moldovan authorities. If the Moldovan authorities violate some commitments to Romania then the smuggling cigarette trucks (without documents of origin) are stopped at the customs of Romania and they give all the posts in Romania this flagrant! It is just a message for Moldovan authorities that they have to respect their commitments. They did not try to cross the border if they were not sure that the Romanian customs officers would cross the border! In most such cases you are taken by surprise. Following this contraband, both Moldovan and Romanian authorities have won. Private individuals trying to smuggle cigarettes are immediately caught and arrested!

It's impossible to find cigarettes in the car's tires And do not find yourself in a truck full of cigarettes, and having a cutting-edge technology at customs! In other words, people trying to compete with the state are harshly punished. Obviously, the mafia from the highest level has found all sorts of characters to blame for racism.

The discredit, humiliation of a person is accomplished by the young generation from Moldova, Romania and the children of those who gain from the smuggling cigarette sales! Moldovan millenarians working in Romania and their Romanian affiliates propose to these young people to work in an elite NGO, they are given enormous amounts of money and career growth prospects! This young generation from Moldova and Romania whom I call Chamberlain (useful idiots in which I do not understand what game they entered!)

They discredited me so much that the organizers of the conference in Slovakia asked me why I hate gypsies. And one of the guests was a gypsy deputy to have my reaction!
  The people who invited me did not know whom to believe me or the Chamberlain. During this seminar we had excursions. One of them was wine tasting.

I have seen that the participants are in a good mood. I downloaded a song from the net from a gypsy movie (the Gypsy camp goes to the sky). I invited a girl to dance (although she could not dance, I told her they had nothing to do, and I was going to dance you in your jury! In Moldova those who practice folk dances learn to dance and dance gypsies, and I have I started dancing around the girl's gypsy dance!

I danced at weddings in Moldova both popular and gypsy, it was a form of earning money in free time! . Throughout the seminar, I have not asked any questions about why I hate gypsies, but have such questions raised if I am anti-Semitic? I had no way of being an anti-Semite since I was living with a Jew in the room for more than 6 months!

When I returned to Romania, all kinds of accusations followed, and my friends were sent all kinds of messages on the social networks depending on the person: if my friend was an Orthodox Christian they were sent messages that I am gay, if My friend was a Jew He receive a messages that I was a terrorist, if he was Arab he receive  to be Jewish or mossad, if he was American I was a Russian spy, if he was Russian they sent that  I am an American agent. Some have begun to believe, others have proposed or proposed to work in this elite NGO.

They were proposing a lot of money from a few thousand to tens of thousands to record our discussions to give inciteous, provocative questions and some talks were broken under the context and only the message they wanted was sent to me in which I appeared in a Pretty bad position! I found out that among these characters there were quite close friends, some of them bought apathy, among the close people there was my sister who recorded me and sent information to information services

Everybody won huge money, but I did not have to win any cent, even as I try to win immediately I was blocked! The question I was asking is to send them in intimate places or to mislead them. If they realize that I have learned that they will destroy me, so at least I had the chance to survive and live freely!
I decided then that I would be lying 24/24 hours, I would use all my political abilities to mislead them, believing that I would play by their rules but actually they played according to my rules. If a person was sneaking in front of me, I never try to prove to him that I'm smarter than him!

I gave him the feeling that he was manipulating me, as he leads me, not knowing he dances by my rules. Some Romanian parties have started to use me to win political dividends, I try to play when on the other side. Keeping to some extent a neutrality! Some secret service was trying through such methods to win a bigger budget for the service he was running!

No one has or has been allowed to register, film me, or use my name for advertising purposes! My analysis includes the National Defense Pact proposed by President Santa Claus (do you know who is the president of Romania) Brexit in 2015, the possibility that Le Pain could be elected and thus lead to the destruction of the European Union, the election of Trump as president. 

I'm the one who invented that Russian tanks will invade Moldova (in this case I sent e-mail in December 2015 a Romanian presidential administration and the defense ministry that contained the following information that protests will probably take place next month and it is is possible. the Ukrainian scenario in Moldova.

My logic was the following: at the leadership of Moldova there was the so-called alliance for European integration (which had nothing to do with the values of the European Union) and that they discredited as much as possible the EU. Most EU delegations say in press conferences that Moldova is a successful country!

Even after one billion euros was stolen Moldova, but European diplomats declared Moldova a successful country! The people who prepared the protests did not do the most important thing and to inform the people in Brussels! the governments in Chisinau and Bucharest was to declare a coup d'etat and the persons guilty of organizing this protest were to be arrested! When you steal a billion euros and have so many enemies across the continent, the pimp does everything possible to stand in the hands of the state, including crimes! The leadership of Moldova was also President Timofti, who was not a communist! And the image of the Moldovan oligarch was like a promoter of democratic values fighting with the Russians!

After the presidential elections in autumn 2016, diplomats from the EU opened their eyes and began to openly criticize this government! Let's say I was not right! But I just sent an email that I did not receive from the presidency or the defense ministry. To all this I add that I have never been employed by any public institution!

No one was forced to believe me! At least now to give them free analysis! You want analyzes - money in my bank account! I'm not forced to do the volunteer when somebody earn a huge amounts of money! And to all this the tries to destroy me! The difference between the 2009 protest of the twitter revolution was that there was a communist regime in power in the 2015 it was considered by Europeans to be a democratic ! Nobody likes when someone tells him that he is not right, I understand that very quickly that even until today I bear the consequences!

I studied at 3 universities, all of them private universities, I paid a lot of money, and I lost a lot of time in the library to get to the level of analysis I am at! If Andrei Nastase was arrested now, Moldova do not will have any form of protest in Moldova!
Now the Moldovan president is Dodon who is a pro-Russian, no one in the EU dares to say that the current leadership is pro-European, and the voting by the group led by Plahotniuc and Dodon has only opened the eyes of diplomats, even And under these conditions there are diplomats in Washington (through lobby Podesta) and in Brussels (especially those lobbying from Bucharest) that Plahotniuc is the last instrument in front of Dodon to reach the government!
I do not even know how to make this happen! Probably the best solution is to say No comment !!! The change had to be made following democratic elections, which took place in autumn 2016! I remain at the idea that Nastase should not withdraw from the electoral campaign, I appreciate the gesture, but did not have to withdraw from the electoral campaign! Any woman working in politics knows that it is easier for them to get votes from men than women!

fourth part –Did I work for interpol?

Any soldier involved in military conflicts is a little scared and this is normal.
Because only sick mental people are not afraid. Any actor who comes out on the scene has little emotion and this is natural! Every politician needs to take protective measures. According to an English diplomat quote, a politician must survive until Friday afternoon and a diplomat must develop a strategy that will be valid for years too!

When you have crossed the red line you become an incompatible person you have to expect that in the environment in which you are working you will probably be called paranoid! In diplomacy, everyone plays according to agreed rules and whoever breaks these rules is harshly punished! Countries with nuclear weapons can afford to cross these red lines many times, and the most common example is Russia, which does not play according to agreed rules. I never talked about the following information, and from me will be more better if I do not talk about this event if I will speak I will be declared a paranoid person!
The only ones who can confirm this are the Hungarian authorities only, suppose for a moment that they will confirm this event, the media reaction in Romania will be that it is a challenge of Hungary and that the aim is to discredit Romania, they will also be brought to the discussion Anything related to transylvania in what context it does not matter anymore!

Very often I went to the National Carol Library in Bucharest, it was a nice place with many books! One of the best books ever written by any Romanian author is Pacepa's book, "Red Horizons," but this book is also not to be found in a public library, for the simple reason that Ceasusescu has declared the enemy of the people! You can order it online on the net in several languages!

 As Ceausescu says: the Germans and the Jews are the best merchandise for export! In 2014, romanian ( etnic German) was chosen as President, and I like to call him Santa Klaus (look for his name on the net and you will understand why). For those who have worked during Ceausescu's time and their descendants, it is very difficult to accept that a romanian ( etnic German) (who was once the export merchant) is now leading the country!
The president's wife was opened criminal files, and the president himself is invited by the descendants of those who have activated in the communist regime in court for some houses! It is a classic process to put pressure on your loved ones and to have a pressure tool on the President of Romania!
For almost three years, President Santa Klaus did not have a space for maneuver in Romania because of security And their blackmail methods, when he wanted to make a change that disturbed the former security guards, Santa Klaus was invited to the courts to remind him that he was vulnerable and did not bother them, Only in the summer of 2017 with a great effort of people want to make a change in Romania and obviously the president of Romania gave them out of key posts of people with a dubious past!

This steps has not yet ended! Following that others who hold the teeth of these posts will be released!

Reading the book of Pacepa had the feeling that it was a Deja vu for me,
 The same strategies that were used in the time of the Ceausescu are used successfully and nowadays among the best known methods are the Nazi terms,
Terrorist like security loved to listen to special technical devices any discussion and watch online porn without the actors knowing that they are being watched! The right to private life and the secrecy of correspondence were totally violated.

In order to listen to or watch online porn, security requires a judge's permission, but in order to obtain such permission you must declare that the porn star is a terrorist or a foreign spy! I want to point out that no individual or legal person has, did not have permission to record or shoot me! And if someone has such signatures please immediately notify the competent authorities for false in private signature papers!

In the summer of 2015, I was supposed to support my master work, which was a more gifted form of how the West could introduce democracy to the Russian Federation with the help of the media, and also provided some aspects of how the Conflict in Ukraine would be assessed.

But the work was not accepted on the grounds that I had grammatical mistakes, I admit that I had for myself always important content and not the form!

Being a student at two faculties at the same time and having to think permanently how to do the challenges, I felt the need to rest outside!

There were promotions on the Bucharest-Budapest train tickets, one of the conditions of the promotion is to buy the ticket three days ahead! I bought the cheapest Bucharest-Budapest ticket with a Czech destination! Whoever traveled with trains in Romania can confirm with a very low speed, with poor quality seats and without air conditioning, this was the place reserved by me in a couchette! In Bucharest we were just two people in this cabin, we were in the last wagon.

After Cluj there was added a wagon, (my wagon was not the last one). They were climbing all sorts of characters in the cabin that was already full, they stood on foot and smelled awful but the last wagom was free and no one was going! After crossing the border with Hungary I saw that the wagon is free and in the cab in which I sit is full and barely breathing I asked the Hungarian conductor if I can move into this free wagon! I was allowed!
It was just me and the Hungarian citizen! I started the computer and started looking at movies I downloaded from the torrent in Bucharest. A Romanian Roma (so as not to be blamed again as a racist, I explain things as they were) went to the back of the wagon! But he did not see him come back and I did not see him on the back seats! After 10-15 minutes I went to the back of the bathroom and I saw that the toilet was free and the open door opened! I announced to the Hungarian conductor that the outside door is open! The Hungarian conductor announced the competent authorities and at the next station two police officers came to me and asked if they could take a seat next to me! Stopping in station took longer! I was seeing all sorts of people checking our wheels, and above me I heard the steps!

When someone came into the wagon, the cops put their arms on their arms, and after their attitude and look I realized they were ready to shoot! From the discussion I had with the cops I understood that they had obtained information from the competent authorities and that they were ready for any emergency situation! I was advised by police officers not to get on the trains, especially those in Romania, because the Hungarians like only new year and Christmas fireworks. It was the first time I started to respect the cops!

On December 1, 2016, a Romanian of Hungarian ethnicity was arrested by the competent authorities and was accused of terrorism! December 1 is a national day, and it is a very important day for Romania, and the Hungarian ethnicity was blamed for preparing a fireworks bomb! Following this arrest, a Romanian intelligence service has increased its budget!
 I was thinking about the situation I was going through and the challenge prepared for the Hungarians of the former security! I was lucky, and I temporarily escaped death but not that citizens! Taking into account that the regime's followers have a problem with ethnic Hungarians, who have to face them constantly with security challenges. The vast majority of ethnic Hungarians voted Santa Claus and enjoyed support from the president! At any meeting of the president with ethnic Hungarians is harshly criticized by the media loyal to security! As the presidency has to cope with the internal challenges of security, and then it has to cope with external challenges!
I arrived in the Czech Republic and I stayed in a student hostel! I did not come to believe what happened in Hungary, I needed two weeks to come back and accept that it is possible and such situations!
After this event, the Chamberlain's actions were doubled against me! Spending huge amounts of money for my denigration! Only this time I'm in the Czech Republic and they have wronged the country! The Czech Republic with two revolutions against the Soviet regime quickly understood what is happening! I felt support from the Czech authorities, because the denigration actions against me reminded the Communist repressions against Czechoslovakia, and some who failed then to revenge on the communist system did it with the guys who followed me in permanent!

So the authorities decided to give them a lesson! I do not know the people who supported a football team in Prague (that they were civilians) met with the Chamberlains and they explained nicely what the boxing rules were, all the football echoes participated in this theoretical training "With a lot of knockouts!" The "theoretical" lesson was very quickly understood so that for two months I stayed quietly in the Czech Republic!

The Law School lasts 4 years in Romania and I only studied 3, and at the Masters I did not support the master's work! I have studied a lot but I did not have documents confirming that I have studied! After the Bucharest-Budapest train case, I had no desire to go back to Romania, especially because I did not have the money to buy a plane ticket! I do not care what the security guards will be after the train failure and the "box theoretical" lesson in Prague! It was a difficult situation for me! I had to find a solution to finish my studies!

After the events of 6-7 April 2009 (Twitter revolution), I was starting to resume! And now I have to run again, to stay hidden! Then I decided to change my strategy! Due to the fact that I was photographed with a radio station (some found shields, other helmets because they were stoned by protesters) and in every documentary I appeared as a provocator! When I came back from the "forced journey" (I stood hidden), many people blamed me for being a provocateur!
 I was already tired of all the insults and accusations that were being made to me then! No matter what I said, they all thought I was a cop! That at one point I exploded and told a person to be silent, that I would take him to prison right now! That person silently, apologized!
Then I thought: If they still consider me a cop, why do they use that? When someone started insulting me, it did not start well and I was already going to threats that I'm going to open a criminal case now! (Inventing an article, depending on the situation and saying: according to the article ... provided in .. is punished with imprisonment!

People who were trying to harm me were calming down very quickly, and some were beginning to apologize! It was much more pleasant to me than the situations when I had to explain: I found the station on foot, I was not a cop, I was not provocative! I had the picture saved on an email address, and I decided to publish it on a social network (knowing that it would be taken over by colleagues from the group who were touring and that they would forward it) both the image and the content of the text was That I work in the International Police (Continue Interpol) in the Counterterrorism Department and in the period from 2010 to 2012 (when I was an asylum seeker) my mission was to get as much information from the Arabs!

The fact that I was a refugee was a well-known fact that there are very many Arabs in refugee camps, and the radio station image seemed to tell the truth! I returned from Prague to Budapest by train, and from Budapest by coach I arrived in Oradea and Oradea in Bucharest! The attitude of the Chamberlains changed radically, and the policemen who knew me with a very wide smile gave me a special greeting to the job! To the question of being specific to the cops? I never said yes, and I never denied!

Especially after I met the two Hungarian policemen and the fans of the Czech team, I started to respect the policemen for their hard work! It is known that in most states, regardless of whether democracy or dictatorship is a competition between security and police! Security works for their own interest, to put their people in a key position in the states' leadership, while police officers work in the best interests of the citizen. The security did not stop to denigrate, they continued to destroy me even more, and some became so obsessive to destroy me that people around did not understand why those people are hating me! Some people blame me for being a Nazi (suppose I am a Nazi for 5 minutes) does this mean they have to destroy a person? It is clear that the reason is quite different! They invested so much to destroy me that they started to hire more people to to destroy me!

My talks were recorded by colleagues, friends, and besides the fact that they were in charge, they also earned a lot of money! In a very short time you saw that the people who registered me bought cars, apartments! Everyone around me wins out of me! Some records seemed to be published by me, although I have never recorded anyone! In this misery, Romanians from abroad were also drawn, and in turn, their friends from the respective countries! Companies were also attracted, advertising in different forms! All the information, recordings or pictures on the net do not belong to me!

fifth part - I'm still alive

In the spring of 2014 I spent three months in Poland, in the summer of 2015 I spent two months in the Czech Republic, and in 2016 I had to go somewhere to rest from all the mistresses of the Chamberlains so in October 2016 I applied for the program Work and Travel in the US. Although I applied very early, in May 2016 the agency to which I paid all the program fees did not prepare the necessary papers to present me to the embassy!

Although I was 27 years old, I wanted to go to the United States with this program yet, but because of the revolution I have not left! Those from the agency were taking time and I did not understand why, and when I realized it was already too late to apply to another agency. The person responsible for preparing the documents was of Roma origin, and I did not know that the business was just a money-laundering method! And on the other side, chamberlaini feared that if I went to the US I would never go back to Romania.

I was nauseated by all the chamberlain pigs and we could hardly resist! On May 7 I was at the US Embassy in Bucharest, and I deposited all the copies I collected for the Work and Travel program and also contained a letter with my wish to participate in the program, to get acquainted with US democracy as well as a small analysis of the elections to be held in autumn 2016 in Moldova

Most likely in Moldova, Dodon will win, but next question we will do after the elections! I remember exactly that day, because it was a Saturday, celebrating in Romania the day of the European Union! I sent a fax, I called the embassy but they did not come with any reaction! I supported my master's thesis in the third attempt, and in law school I was in the last year and I had the licensed work but because of a backlog I did not support it. Probably because of the same reason: since I will have all the documents I will leave Romania and I will not return!

So at least I had a pause and I had to stay in Romania for another three months! I was admitted to a volunteer program in Denmark! It started on 1 August and I had to learn and work in Denmark for one year, then 8 months in Africa as a teacher for children and another 4 months in Denmark! I bought a Bucharest-Berlin flight ticket for July 28, 2016.

In 2016 I participated in a contest about refugees. Most of the participants were from the faculty of law! I was asylum seeker in three countries, I knew the Romanian legislation as well as the European directives on refugees better than the organizers and the culmination is that I have not passed the last exam!

A very experienced teacher looks at the student and 80% can make a feature without the student saying anything, and if he holds a lecture and looks into the eyes of the students he realizes whether the student understands something or not, if Has prepared the theme or not! I was not a teacher but I studied in three universities and spent a lot of time in the library but looking in the eyes of the students I saw that some people do not understand what it is but passed the test!

At the beginning of July, I was still in the student camps of the university and I had to wait another three weeks until my departure from Romania to Germany, and from Berlin to Denmark by coach!

Law colleagues organized the graduation ball, which I was supposed to attend (even if I did not graduate) but I told them that rather than paying for this ball I'd better drink it on the beach in Bulgaria. In the middle of July I woke up with a very good mood, I told the manager of the home that I was leaving and for three hours I was on the border with Bulgaria!

I was sure I would cross the border because one of the documents required for the Work and Travel program is if you have restrictions to leave the country and you are allowed to travel to the US! I was sure about to pass and I passed! But instead of going to sea I bought a ticket to Sofia. Getting the next day in Sofia, I sat down on a chair in the park, took my sandwich out of my backpack and started to eat.

It caught my attention that two dogs smelled my backpack but when I smelled my backpack and a German Shepherd I thought something was wrong! I checked all the clothes and it was okay, just left the laptop! . I found inside her packages of white matter! The idea was that I had to be arrested at Otopeni airport on July 28 when I had to go to Germany, but even if I did not return to Romania, I was already arrested at Sofia Airport as a drug dealer! But because we crossed the Romanian border with Bulgaria and the backpack did not pass through the scanner I crossed the border! .

If I was not in the park and I was not smelled of dogs most likely arrested me in Bulgaria and who was to believe me that they are not mine! I threw the white packets into a toilet, bought a Sofia-Milan ticket at Wizz-Air and crossed the border! I was damn happy! I prayed to the lord all the flight! I met a Moldovan friend in Trento, with whom I have been attracted to taekwon-do in Moldova.

I had heard from many people that my sister pours me to security and that her mission is to destroy me! But I received confirmation from this friend that she was receiving money for any talk recorded on skype. Getting money from her! Being the most insistent person in the group who wants my elimination! And that she talks with a vice-director of a secret service in Romania! And money comes from different companies both in Moldova and Romania!

 (This deputy director was replaced in 2017)

If anyone believes that this whole project was possible without the support of Romanian security, it is badly mistaken! I know her possibilities, I know why she is in a position and why not! I told my friend that we would have a few talks on skype, lest someone suspect you told me that we would end any discussion!

I arrived at the Danish organization a week later I explained to them that I am anxious to start the program and that I could not wait for another week! When we were in the Czech Republic we were talking with only one person, in Denmark we talked with many volunteers and to my surprise, the misery in Romania was exported to Denmark! It has reached a different level, many companies, interest groups, corporations, but who did not know the real motive of this game were attracted! All volunteers received messages according to religion, country, membership! I could not blame someone publically for being immediately opening a criminal case in Romania (although I was only studying in Romania). The organization in Denmark where I volunteered to learn Marxist ideology. Something I did not like, but because I wanted to help some African children I said I would give up some principles temporarily! I had a scandal with the teacher right on my birthday! After this conflict I decided I had to go!
That I have no reason to stay in this organization. I had to make a change, end this miserable circus! The question I was asking is whether I will resist or not! (I will remain free or alive!)
I spent only three months in Denmark, after which I decided to go to a more exotic destination, for me it was important that the next destination was to be Orthodox and to take off at sea and where human rights are respected and where I could Live from my minimal resources so I do not die of hunger.
I chose Georgia! Throughout my life, the Georgians helped me, a country with a very religious population, very sloppy and with a character! There was a problem, as in October was the electoral company in Georgia, and my revolutionary reputation was declared "non-grata" even at customs. The biggest advantage in Georgia is that all EU citizens have the right To stay on Georgia for one year without any registration.

And if I wanted to organize an international training, it was very easy for most states to have no restrictions on traveling to Georgia! If I went to Georgia during the election campaign, Georgian leadership would have thought I was a Saakashvili messenger or at least theoretically a new revolution! Regardless of why I would have told the Georgian authorities they would not have believed me, I still did not think if anyone was telling me! I bought a Berlin-Athens ticket and Athens-Yerevan (Armenia) According to Armenia's current law, EU citizens have the right to stay in Armenia for 21 days without a visa!

After 20 days in Armenia, I went to Georgia! I met a very old Georgian friend, I suddenly felt the hospitality of the Georgians. A very friendly people, with very old traditions, with very tasty food and very, very beautiful national dances! I got the attention of Georgian police professionals! I would say that according to their level of training and professionalism they are clearly superior to those of the European Union! It returned very quickly to the misery of the past, but the Georgians quickly understood what was happening!
I enjoy the support of the Georgians. The situation in Georgia is a little different, Georgia wants to be a member of the European Union and has to play the rules imposed by Brussels. In all the blame that was being brought, the Georgian population was being nauseated by such actions. Although their tendency was to denigrate me it is totally the opposite! I was also at the German Embassy in Tbilisi where I filed the papers for an internship in the German Parliament! I had decided to organize a training on human rights, multiculturalism, racism, xenophobia! There were a lot of people at the event.

So I had where to choose! The secret of correspondence has been violated again! And the people who participated in the event in Georgia received emails from other people who were offered to take part in seminars, trainings in EU member states, providing accommodation, transport money and pocket money!

My initial idea was to organize an event with the slogan "I am a participant, I am an organizer! "
In which each participant in this training did not have to know who the organizers are! Among the participants were my friends too! I received that information from them! Some of them went to other trips for free! Others, in their capacity as participants, had to come to the Georgia event, in which they themselves had to pay their flight ticket, accommodation, tickets for city transportation and what they ordered at the restaurant!
Very many participants quit the project, I could not cope with the competition, and there is the possibility that among those who remained at least one chamberlain! I had no way of knowing everything from inside. Or what challenges I'm getting ready for! When I got the information they wanted to destroy me from the Georgians, I decided to speak publicly in video on social networks.
In the next step, all my social networking accounts have been blocked, including a 105,000 page where we promote different opportunities for students to attend seminars in more countries!
Knowing the methods by which they could eliminate me, I decided to talk about them on youtube! The information from the Georgians informed me that a request for arrest has come to me and that they will have to arrest me!

Although in Georgia I was 9 months old and the last time I was Romania was 12 months ago 2016! I bought a Kutaisi-Munich ticket on July 22, and I announced it at the end of June! Georgia is an Orthodox Christian country.
Hearing an oligarch from Georgia! The Chamberlain's stupidity was that they blamed me for working in Interpol, they were so convincing that border police believed them! And I did not even deny it! They probably wanted to demonstrate to the participants that I am not a human rights activist and I am a police officer on duty! I bought a Kutaisi-London ticket in early July and the same day we left Georgia! I was greeted with respect by the Border Police with a salute specific to the profession! I admit that I have lied many times and besides all this I am also an Orthodox Christian.

But why do I have to tell them the truth of some people who want to destroy me, I do not want to ease their lives! I'll lie 24/24 hours to these people until they leave me alone! Why I have to do free analysis on what occasion. Until my arrival in London I'm trying to hide or stay away doing my best to see me! I stayed for two days in London in two different airports, and the reaction I was expecting from the Chamberlain was at hand! The Londoners, especially the employees, wondered: what the hell did you do, they hate you so much! What have you done wrong? But we will find out very quickly!
From London I went to Aarhus (Denmark) from Aarhus to Copenhagen (here I was only 6 hours) was an attempt to steal my bag, but I recovered it very quickly! And at 6 am I left Bla Bla Car to Hamburg where the G20 summit took place, I only stayed for 2 hours, after which I took the Hamburg-Berlin-Frankfurt train! I crossed the border of Poland through Slubice where a cycling contest took place!

this article was published 

I received a negative decision today and this after a pro-Russian government was installed in Moldova
Ok, I understand the Canadian activists, they  are selected by political correctness and they was lied to as kindergarten children and they were paid to lie.  All immigration service, police, Canadian government receive money from Romanians and doing illegal activities.
What do you think you can lie to the Russians!
The Russians fucked Canadians like kindergarten children!
And now I have only two options: to appeal the negative decision or to leave Canada!
For two years Canadians collaborated with Romanians!
The intelligence services from Romania collaborated with the Canadian services intelligence.
I have already explained in front of the commission at the hearings how the Russians work in Romania, but they (the Canadians) are so stupid that they did not understand anything! I'll try to explain it again!
And how the Russians did in my case!
I have never been wrong in my analysis and for me it is enough to watch Russian TVs to do short, medium and long term analysis with all the plans of Russia
I studied at 3 universities and I attended many trainings, interships, conferences!
There are many analyzes, but let's start with the most important analyzes!
In February 2014 I made the following analysis that the Russians will try to take Crimea and that they will try to do the same thing in Ukraine as in Transnistria!
I was in a room where there were about 40 people, including presidential adviser for Strategic Affairs, Security and Foreign Policy of the Presidential Administration and no one believed that the Russians would take over Crimea and no intelligence service in Romania did the analysis.
There are some people on earth who have done the respective analysis!
In December 2015, I warned the Romanian authorities about a possible scenario that could take place in Moldova as well as  the Crimean model, but was a person who has broken the Russians plan and that was me and I'm proud of that! And if the Romanians at the state level warned the Ukrainians about possible scenarios in February 2014, today Crimea was part of Ukraine!
But they didn't!

The fact that there is a person who can ruin the plans of the Russians, and in order to destroy that person you have to call people from the FSB branch in Moldova, which is called the Information and Security Service of Moldova.
Next step, the FSB branch from Moldova sends challenges to Romania and the Romanian Intelligence Service knows that a Russian / Belarusian /  will come and will walk beside me.
Last time I was in Moldova on September 28, 2010 and since then I have not returned to Moldova.
from 2012 to 2016 I studied law in Romania and also my master's degree in conflict analysis and resolution
And let's say that one morning when I go to university, a Russian sits next to my chair, and I don't even know that individual and in the same place there is also a Romanian security officer photographing me sitting next to a Russian. !
In some cases a joint team is created,  between the intelligence service in Moldova and the intelligence service in Romania.
Both teams are in Bucharest, and the Moldovan Intelligence Service provided all the information received from the Romanians to Russia.
From the information received from the Romanians / Moldovans the Russians send again provocateurs (people I do not know) and when I become a spy of all services
The people who work on my file and because of the challenges and misinformation they send to the Moldovans / Romanians (who also work for the Russians) are promoted in their careers!
From activists to people who work for secret services, my nightmare begins to make my life so I hate the Romanians and send me in the arms of the Russians
I will have no other solution than to go to the Russians, and the people working in the counter-intelligence services in Romania and Moldova will report that I went to Russia because I was a Russian spy and the people from the counter-intelligence information will be promoted as they found a spy!
Then I was in the Czech Republic or Poland, the intelligence services in Romania as well as undercover activists try to bring me to Romania!
But when I get to Romania they do everything they can to give me Russians!
When I try to go to the United States, they do their best, to not even reach the US embassy in Bucharest and the closer I am to the US, they become more nervous.
The challenges that Romania has made, the same challenges they have done here in Canada.
They risked the career of some activists to save the covered activists the Romanian intelligence services that collaborated with the Canadian services sent the information to the FSB branch in Moldova.
The information was taken over by the Russians, who also sent provocative ones, people I didn't know and who were surprised by the Romanian / Canadian / Moldovan intelligence activists or services.
The Canadian intelligence services are so crippled and corrupt that they were fucked like kindergarten children.
Canadian police and intelligence services know all the people who were corrupt!
Because they also broke the law and took bribes.
Intelligence services so stupid I have never seen in my life!
I have no claims for activists because they are by their nature idiots and corrupt!
As is a football league with a ranking, so there is a ranking of the secret services!
All the intelligence services in the world have understood that Canadian services have been rubbed off as some children, but only they are trying to make it seem like everything is under control.!
The Arab, African, Chinese, Latin community have understood that they(canadiens) have been rubbed off by the Russians, only Canadians are trying to keep some apparent ones under control!
Everyone in the Canadian intelligence service had to be fired and to create a new team to investigate But they want to send me to the Russians!
Many people were promoted and now to admit that you were wrong is the biggest problem.
My message was very clear! Any person from Romania or Moldova, whether he is an activist or part of the intelligence services, must be arrested or at least suspected!
And my message to Canadians is this: I will not go back to Moldova or to Romania! I will go to Ukraine and I will fight in the war with Ukrainians against the Russians!
You are a people of lascivious and stupid people, and I will never respect you because you collaborated with Moldovans / Romanians who tortured my mother!
through my veins Ukrainian blood flows and I am proud of this!!
I will never respect you because you took money from Moldovans / Romanians who tortured my mother!
You are a nation of cowards and without dignity
Fuck you canadiens!

I want to congratulate the Russians! You fucked Canadians on their territory!

When I arrived in Iceland, I requested political asylum at the airport, the Icelandic police were very kind to me and I was taken to an asylum center. Icelanders told me directly: Andrei in your case are only two solutions! Or you leave voluntarily or we can listen to you but you will  get a negative answer because you are a citizen of the European Union and we will have to deport you to Romania.

On my jacket I wrote my first and last name and the link to my blog and Icelanders also read what my story is! I have a special respect for the Icelandic police for the simple reason that they gave me money for the ticket (as a gift) to leave the country! I arrived in Iceland from Poland where I also received a negative answer! I left Poland in Iceland for the simple reason that Iceland is not a member of the European Union  and my last stay in Poland was a disappointment for me!

For the simple reason that they were just watching how Moldovans and Romanians me!

The Poles understood that they were lied by Romanians and Moldovans when I arrived from Iceland to Canada and applied for asylum in Canada.

For more infortion about me open this link -

The way in which the Poles were lied by the Moldovans and the Romanians the same way Canadians was f..cked  by the Moldovans and the Romanians.

Before writing the way the Canadian and Polish Intelligence were f..cked by the FSB branch in Romania and Moldova, I will give a little introduction about the history of Moldova and Romania.

In December 1989 in Romania has been a revolution.  On one side was Ceausescu's regime and on the other was Ion Iliescu.

Ion Iliescu  joined the Communist Party in 1953 and became a member of its Central Committee in 1965 and studied in Moscow State University ( Soviet Union)  and stayed in the group in the same table with Gorbachev. Ion Iliescu  had a leading role in the Romanian Revolution, becoming the country's president in December 1989. In May 1990. Some wanted democracy and went out to destroy the Ceausist regime but the revolution was led by a communist.  Ion Iliescu  became Romania's first freely elected head of state. One communist (Ceausescu) was changed to another communist (Iliescu).

During the Romanian revolution of December Moldova was in the Soviet Union and was called the Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldova.

During the the Romanian Revolution Iurie Leancă was working in the Soviet embassy in Bucharest and another individual by the name of Dumitru Diacov was the head of the office of the official Soviet intelligence agency TASS in Bucharest.(  Information Telegraph Agency of Russia in Bucharest.)  Those who have minimal knowledge of how the Soviet Union's embassies worked during the Cold War know what these functions mean.

The Republic of Moldova gained its independence on August 27, 1991  and in March 1992 there was a war in Transnitria between Moldova and  Russian Federation. Transnistria remains until today a territory controlled by the Russian Federation.  In Moldova and in Romania people who had a membership card of the communist party they changed their name into socialists.

In Moldova, citizens who were against the Russian Federation died in very strange accidents and the rest who escaped were marginalized or isolated. While some were fighting for the Romanian language or against the Russians in the war on Nistru others dealt with privatization, buying companies that belonged to the state factories at very low prices. Former communists became capitalists!

Once the borders of the Republic of Moldova and Romania were opened, members of some organizations also came to Moldova / Romania  and those with whom they were discussing in Moldova were also former communists. Because they (former communists) controlled politics and business in Moldova.  I wrote only two names above, but such individuals are full of Moldova.

For example Vladimir Plahotniuc - when Moldova was in the Soviet Union, he was active in the KGB and his mission was to provoke foreigners through hotels with Moldovan girls. Those individuals were filmed with hidden cameras and then blackmailed.When Moldova became independent in 1991 Plahotniuc became a pimp.

Petru Lucinschi -  In 1992, he was appointed as Ambassador of Moldova in Russia. On 4 February 1993, he was elected as Speaker of the Moldovan Parliament, being re-elected on 29 March 1994 for a new term. He held the position until 1997. Lucinschi was elected Moldova's second president in November 1996. From 1971, Lucinschi was a member of the Executive Committee (Politburo) of the Central Committee of the Communist Party in Moldavian SSR.

Dumitru Diacov - Dumitru Diacov was a Moldovan MP (1994–2001, 2005-May 2009, July 2009 – 2010) and the president of the Moldovan Parliament (April 23, 1998 – March 20, 2001). He was president of the Democratic Party of Moldova (1997-June 2009) and later has been the honorary president.

Guess who became the de facto president of the party?  Vladimir Plahotniuc  was the chairman of the Democratic Party of Moldova.

Iurie Leancă - He was Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration from 2009 to 2013. He graduated from Moscow State Institute of International Relations. He was appointed  Prime Minister on 2013. How stupid you have to be to think that one who worked at the embassy of the Soviet Union to integrate Moldova into the European Union.

Activists from Moldova were also selected by former Communists who changed their political orientation and are now called Democrats, Socialists or businessmen.A person who has been a GRU member, KGB he will be loyal or blackmailed by the end of his life.

Communist Vladimir Voronin was the leader of the Republic of Moldova from 2001 to 2009. In April 2009 there was an anti-communist revolution in Moldova. Voronin and Plahotniuc were very scared on April 7, 2009. All the communist leaders were scared of the youth uprising! On April 7, 2009, Igor Dodon (member of the communist party) from 31 March 2008  to 14 September 2009  was  First Deputy Prime Minister and  Zinaida Greceanîi (member of the communist party)  was  the Prime Minister of Moldova from 31 March 2008  to 14 September 2009.

In October 2015 I signed up for a work and travel program (It is a program for students to move to the United States and work during the summer holidays) . I was in the last year at the Faculty of Law at the Romanian-American University in Bucharest.

Romanians understood perfectly well that I want to go to the United States for other purposes than working during the summer. My goal was to talk directly with the Americans and without Romanian intermediaries.  The Romanians did everything tas I do not get  even to the US embassy for the interview. When I understand that I won't even get to the embassy for the interview. I started calling the ones from the US embassy in Bucharest. I also sent them faxes and on May 7, 2016, on a Saturday, I went to the US embassy in Bucharest and submitted a letter.

I wrote that Igor Dodon will most likely win the next elections and we need your help to help us in the next elections. I didn't get any response.

On 13th November the runoff of the direct presidential election was held in Moldova  Igor Dodon, the leader of the pro-Russian Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova (PSRM) was announced the winner, with 52.11% of the vote. In October 2016, during the presidential election campaign, Igor Dodon affirmed that Crimea, the subject of a territorial dispute between Russia and Ukraine, "is a territory of the Russian Federation".

Igor Dodon was helped by Vladimir Plahotniuc and the Russians to become president!

Russians win in Moldova because Americans are very stupid to understand what's going on in Moldova!

Russians Americans like children in kindergarten and the Russians will win every time because Americans, Canadians are either corrupt or stupid. I came to Canada in December 2017. I came to Canada to talk to the Americans and the Canadians directly and without Romanian or Moldovan intermediaries but they, the Americans and the Canadians started talking to Moldovans and Romanians who want to destroy me. I usually use diplomatic language, but the Russians fucked them like idiots on the American continent. I bought the ticket to Canada for the simple reason that it was the cheapest ticket. And when I had to leave Iceland to Canada I didn't even have the money to buy a bus ticket to get to the airport. I started walking 30 kilometers in December from the asylum center to the airport,

I only went 15 because it was stopped by the cops and they took me to the airport. When I arrived in Canada, I had only $ 40 in my pocket and the $ 40 is written in brown paper. Brown paper is a temporary document for asylum seekers.

The Canadian activists were contacted by the Romanian activists and depending on the situation the Romanian / Moldovan activists told them that I am an extremist, that I am antigay, that I work for the Vatican, that I am racist, that I am gay, that I work in security services, that they came help me.

The Romanian intelligence services also contacted their Canadian colleagues! I previously said that most of the activists in Romania or Moldova are recruited by intelligence services and to help the Romanian / Moldovan activists according to the situation they told them that I am an extremist who uses force to overthrow governments, that I am Russian spy, Turkish spy , Polish spy in some situations said I am American spy or I work for the Canadian police!

Let's talk about activists from Romania! Most organizations in Romania are funded by the Soros philanthropist! Soros was born in Hungary, and Transylvania was once Hungary and now it is part of Romania. Soros organizations in Romania criticize the most vehement acts of corruption committed by the Socialist Party in Romania! It is enough that Soros is an ethnic Hungarian for socialists in Romania (former communists) to blame him, he wants Transylvania to become part of Hungary. There are a lot of Romanian activists who came to Canada to me.

I look at some and understand that they don't even know why they came or that it was lied to by the people who called them. I cannot know all the Soros activists, but I think that some of them have good intentions and simply do not know the realities of Moldova or Romania. I am not a member of any organization and I have not called anyone in Canada. No one has the right to record me or film.I don't have a phone number and I don't talk to anyone over the phone, Viber or WhatsApp. Nobody is allowed to speak or to sign on my name. From January 2018 to September 2019 I received welfare, social assistance. People who do not work receive social assistance. People who receive social assistance cannot do economic activities. Any economic activity is prohibited, it is illegal. Did Canadians know about this? Of course they knew! Because I came to Canada with $ 40 And because they also give me social assistance. If anyone says he has the permission to register me, call a Canadian cop or a Canadian prosecutor and and put me in front of this guy, and ask me: Andrei, you know this guy?  He is allowed to register you? Because a person will have to be arrested! I have no right to work and the person registering me will have to be arrested! There are two official languages in Canada: English and French. In Quebec, French is spoken and if you want to find a job you must speak french! I started studying French at the Yves-Ecrivain! and when I signed up for this center I didn't even have the money to pay the tuition fee ($ 55) and in brown paper also writes the amount I had when I arrived in Canada ($ 40). It is enough to look at me and see that I look like a homeless Canadian activists were paid by Romanian / Moldovan activists To register me as if it were a game. The management of the center Yves-Ecrivain said that your activity is illegal. But Canadian intelligence has begun to blackmail them like independist. Romanians and Moldovans who provide services for Russians who came to Canada to me they f..cked Canadian activists and the Canadian intelligence service like children.

The Government of Canada, CSIS, the Canadian police know that the activity of Moldovan / Romanian activists is illegal but they do nothing!

All the Moldovans were Romanian who came to Canada and declared they are my friends, or family members, they must be suspected of espionage in favor of Russia and the individuals in the Romanian secret services who also came to Canada should also be suspected of espionage in favor of Russia. They you, Canadians for the simple reason that I am the only Moldovan who could predict that the Russians will take Crimea, I am the only Moldovan who was able to predict in May 2016 that pro-Russian Igor Dodon will win the elections and that Igor Dodon fears that a revolution in Moldova will not happen again, as in April 2009.You have to ask yourself the question: why are so many Moldovans who want to me! Why are they afraid of me!

And for the Soros activists, for the migrants from Latin America, the African community, Chinese, Arabs, Iranians, Filipinos, Indians, etc. I wrote the first name and the link to my blog PLOPANDREW.BLOGSPOT.COM on the shirt, jacket because you must to open the site and read information about me!

 Many Canadians have been remunerated by Romanians / Moldovans and now they want to deport me from Canada for the simple reason that they have taken illegal actions!

If you are going to deport me to Moldova or Romania, I will simply be tortured and killed!!

And the Russians will win again!!

There is not any game! There are only Romanians and Moldovans working for FSB,GRU,SVR!

For more infortion about me open this link -

a) J'ai parlé, j'ai écrit que personne n'avait le droit / la permission de parler / signer en mon nom, et tous les Roumains ou les Moldaves qui sont venus au Canada et se sont présentés comme mes amis et essayent d'obtenir des informations sur chacun  mon pas, ces individus doivent être arrêtés
b) c'est très simple de découvrir la vérité: appeler un policier canadien et me mettre en face de cette personne qui se déclare comme un ami ou un membre de la famille et dit avoir la permission de me filmer / enregistrer et demander: Andrei, vous savez  cette personne?  Andrei vous confirmez qu'il a le droit de signer en ton nom?
c) Je reçois de l'aide sociale au Canada et cela signifie que je ne travaille pas et que toute activité économique est interdite / illégale.  Par conséquent, le policier devra arrêter une personne!  Moi ou l'autre qui déclare mon ami ou membre de la famille!
d) La dernière fois que j'étais en République de Moldova le 28 septembre 2010, je ne suis plus retourné en Moldavie et je n'ai aucun moyen de connaître tous les Moldaves ni tous les Roumains!
e) Je ne suis membre d'aucune organisation, je ne fais pas de bénévolat et je ne suis payé par personne et qui est venu au Canada et déclare qui est mon ami ou un membre de la famille (de RO ou MD) et dit qu'il a le droit de parler ou de signer en mon nom devrait être suspecté d'espionnage en faveur de la Russie
f) Je comprends parfaitement que si je reçois le statut de réfugié, beaucoup de personnes se retrouveront sans emploi et certaines personnes devront être arrêtées!  La question qui se pose est la suivante: les Canadiens veulent-ils connaître la vérité ou préfèrent-ils être payés et menti par les Roumains et les Moldaves qui fournissent des services aux Russes?

(polish language!) 

Mam na imię Andrei Plop i pochodzę z Rumunii. Ukończyłem studia licencjackie (ULIM) ,magisterskie na Wydziale Stosunków Międzynarodowych (SNSPA), drugich studiów licencjackich na kieruneku Prawo w Romanian - American University. W 2009 byłem nominowany do wzięcia udziału w wyborach do parlamentu. Gdybym miał się zwięźle opisać, powiedziałbym o sobie: jestem ambitny, pracowity oraz lubię się uczyć. Szkolenie elit w najbardziej prestiżowych szkołach na świecie w połączeniu z demokracją i ekonomicznymi reformami może poprowadzić kraj do stworzenia podstaw prowadzących do sukcesów w gospodarce państwa. Obecne realia wymagają udoskonalenia metod, instrumentów i strategii w moim kraju. W pełni popieram i dzielę ideę demokracji, wolności do wyrażania swoich myśli i chcę poświęcić swoje życie i karierę do promowania wyżej wymienionych wartości na świecie, a szczególnie w moim kraju.

PLOP ANDREI -Finalizarea Programului Internaţional de Stagii Parlamentare din Polonia.

Plop Andrei - I’m getting stronger step by step !

Diaspora este alaturi de JurnalTV! Cealalta Basarabie! - Plop Andrei! Cealaltă Basarabie este despre moldovenii plecați și stabiliți peste hotare.! Talk show-ul este realizat de Leanca Grițcan! Diaspora îl susţine pe Gheorghe Petic! Protest la concertul Șor, în Veneția!

Plop Andrei alaturi de liderii din opoziție la protestul din 7 aprilie 2009 Plop Andrei - Din ce cauza nu am revenit acasa de 9 ani! Sau de ce se teme Plahotniuc!

A plecat din țară după 7 aprilie! Andrei Plop nu a revenit în Republica #Moldova de 9 ani

Plop Andrei alaturi de liderii din opoziție la protestul din 7 aprilie 2009

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