Prix Virginia International Photography Prize for Women | REVOLUTION


Deadline: 7 May 2020
Open to: All women photographers, regardless of age
Benefits: An award of EUR 10.000 and a book publication to the winner, a book publication for the winner and the 10 shortlisted photographers

The Virginia Prize is awarded by the Sylvia S. Association to a woman photographer.
It is awarded in accordance with the following rules:
It has been awarded every other year since 2012, and is open to all living women photographers, without regard to their nationality or the subject matter of their work. Work done for commercial advertising or as an editorial assignment for an article will not be accepted. Photos submitted to the Virginia Prize should not have been exhibited in France. However, the artist may have already exhibited other works in France. Photographers should enter a body of work which they consider complete. The prize is not intended to finance the completion or the exhibition of a body of photographic work. The prize is free of cost.
The Jury is composed of eight members who deliberate and nominate the winner. The jury consists of 8 recognized specialists working in the field of visual arts. Most or all the members of the jury change with each prize year, except for the President.
The photographers may apply directly or other professional experts (photo editors, gallery owners, photo agents, and such) may apply for them. The Jury’s discussions and deliberations are private and reserved to Jury members. The President of the Jury chairs the discussion in the Jury and also has a vote. The Jury has the power to resolve any questions not already covered by these rules. In any given year, the Jury may also decide that none of the works submitted meets the criteria required and that therefore they will not award a prize.
Besides the prize winner, the Jury also names as many as 10 other contenders whose photographic work they believe to be of particular value.
The photographer who wins the prize cannot enter again at a later date, but all the other contestants are welcome to apply for the Virginia Prize again.


– The Sylvia S. Association will award 10.000 € to the winner.
– A Carte blanche for a Portrait de Ville edited by Be-Pôles editions for the winner or one of the 10 shortlisted photographers.
– A book publication of the winner’s photographs and the 10 shortlisted photographers by Filigranes editions
– An award ceremony will be held in Paris in November 2020, on a date to be decided after the Jury has reached their decision. The ceremony is public. The winner, members of the Jury, and the media will be present.
The ceremony is public. The winner, members of the Jury, and the media will be present.
Any material used in these exhibitions and publications must specify “© Prix Virginia 2020”.

How to apply:

Article 1/ Applicant’s file
Applicants for the prize should follow the instructions on the «subscribe» tab on the Virginia Prize website.
Subscription for the prize only occurs online, no physical sends will be accepted.
Applicants should submit:
– a complete curriculum vitae (pdf 10Mo);
– a short letter, written by the applicant, outlining why she is applying for the prize and the artistic and creative dimensions of the work submitted (pdf);
– 12 to 18 images, on any subject, black and white and/or color ; we strongly recommend they submit one cohesive body of work rather than single images.
– Each photography must be in jpeg, 72 dpi, maximum 1,5Mo (or Mb).
– Each photography must mention in his title the number of the photography, the name of the candidate, and the title of the photography. ex: ex: 01_NameFirstName_PhotoTitle
Article 2/ Rights of use
The prize winner and the 10 specially recognized will send via internet their photography files in high definition (300 DPI, 30cm length). Association Sylvia S. can use these photographs to promote the Prix Virginia on its website, newsletter, or through its partners or the media. These photographs may be cropped or resized depending on the needs, in agreement with the photographer.
Article 3/ Conditions
Applications which do not adhere to the requirements specified in 1.) and 2.) above will not go to the Jury for consideration.
Article 4/ Newsletter
The applicants accept to receive the newsletter from the moment they apply to the announcement of the winner. It is the main communication tool of the Virginia Prize. In case you unsubscribe, you won’t receive informations about the prize anymore. These informations will only be accessible on the website of the Virginia Prize. We won’t be liable for any unsubscription or mail loss.
Article 5/
Your application signifies that you consent to and agree with these conditions.
By checking I accept the terms of the rules of the Virginia 2020 Prize.
I certify that the images sent are free of rights and use for the Virginia Prize and its promotion on all known and unknown media to date, for exclusively non-commercial use.


– Work is submitted between January 2, 2020 and May 7, 2020
novembre 2020 : remise officielle du Prix à Paris.


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